
A Case Study of Interchange at Km 108/000 on NH-8 Vadodara-Bharuch  

Abstract Category: Engineering
Institution / University: Gujarat University, India
Published in: 2010

Dissertation Abstract / Summary:

The ability to accommodate high volumes of traffic safely and efficiently through intersections depends largely on what arrangement is provided for handling intersecting traffic. The greatest efficiency, safety and capacity are attained when the intersecting through-traffic lanes are separated in grades. An interchange is a system in interconnecting roadways in conjunction with one or more grade separations that is provided for the movement of traffic between two or more roadways or highways on different levels. The type of grade separation and interchange, along with its design, is influenced by many factors, such as highway classification, character and composition of traffic, design speed and degree of access control. These control plus signing requirements, economics, terrain and right-of-way are of great importance in designing facilities with adequate capacity of safely accommodate the traffic demands. These days due excessive traffic on NH, NE and SH of India, it is required to introduce grade separated intersection for major junction of highway. In order to fulfill this requirement this study will try to highlight to establish safe and congestion free traffic movement for at grade intersections of NH-8, NE-1, and SH-158 in state of Gujarat near Vadodara city by reducing the conflict point and provision of grade separated facility.

Dissertation Keywords/Search Tags:
Transportation Engineer, traffic, design

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Submission Details: Dissertation Abstract submitted by Purvi Patel from India on 04-May-2010 10:56.
Abstract has been viewed 14893 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Purvi Patel Contact Details: Email: purvi.patel@shapoorji.com Phone: 9998897183

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