
Universidad Nacional San Agustin Arequipa  

Abstract Category: Science
Course / Degree: Medical School
Institution / University: Universidad Nacional San Agustin Arequipa, Malta
Published in: 2003

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

In preeclampsia, several symptoms and signs are associated with endotelial dysfunction. Various methods have been used to study endothelial function in the normal and pathological human pregnancy. Most studies, however, have been restricted to in vitro experiments on isolated endothelial cells or vessels from maternal or fetal tissues. A strictly noninvasive technique for assessment of endothelial function was described ten years ago. Whit this technique, vascular reactivity can be studied accurately and reproducibly in sistemic arteries using high- resolution ultrasound. We examined 40 normal pregnant women (32.0+/-4.3 years old, 32.2+/-4.2 weeks of pregnancy), and 35 pregnant women with preeclampsia (31.2+/-4.7 years old, 32.0+/-4.1 weeks of pregnancy). The diagnosis of preeclampsia was made according to the criteria of the Comit¨¦ on Terminology of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Images of the brachial artery were obtained longitudinally with a 7,5Mhz mechanical linear probe placed on the upper arm. A cuff in width placed on the upper arm was inflated to 50mmHg above the systolic pressure for 5 minutes. Measurements were taken before cuff inflation (baseline) and 0, 15, 30, 60 and 90 seconds after cuff deflation. Flow- mediated vasodilation was determined by calculating the change in the brachial artery diameter (percent increase for the baseline diameters).

Baseline brachial artery diameters in normal pregnant women and preeclamptic women were 3.92 +/- 0.28 mm and 3.82 +/- 0.28 mm, respectively. Significant differences were seen among these groups (P¡Ü0.001). Maximun dilation was obtained 1 minute after cuff deflation. The percent increases of brachial artery diameter during reactive hyperemia in normal pregnant women and preeclamptic women were 16.93 +/- 2.86% and 6.48 +/- 1.96%, respectively. Vasodilation in preeclamptic women was significantly less than that in normal pregnant women (P¡Ü0.001). Our results indicate that peripheral vascular endotelial function in preeclamptic women was impaired.

Our method is applicable to subjects even in early pregnancy and further work is in progress to evaluate the usefulness of our method as a predictor of preeclampsia.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
flow- mediated vasodilation, preeclampsia, vascular ultrasound

This Thesis Abstract may be cited as follows:
Valdivia-Silva JE. (2003) Comparative study of Endothelial- Dependent Flow- Mediated Vasodilation of the Brachial artery: Protocolized Non- invasive Vascular Ultrasound Assessment in Normal Pregnant and Preeclamptic women. Medical Thesis, Universidad San Agustin, Arequipa, Peru

Thesis Images:
Science - Universidad Nacional San Agustin Arequipa A. Preeclamptic women. B. normal pregnant women.Dilation in preeclamptic women at 0 second shows a paradojic response. Maximum dilation was obtained at 60 s. after cuff deflation
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Science - Universidad Nacional San Agustin Arequipa A. preeclamptic women. B. Normal pregnant women. Flow value at 0 seconds has not been considered because these data do not reflect vascular function
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Science - Universidad Nacional San Agustin Arequipa A. Preeclamptic women. B. Normal pregnant women. Flow- mediated vasodilation was strongly correlated with flow during baseline and all phases of reactive hyperemia. The maximun r-value was at 60s
(click to enlarge)


Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Julio E. Valdivia-Silva from Peru on 03-Mar-2009 14:00.
Abstract has been viewed 4041 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Julio E. Valdivia-Silva Contact Details: Email: jvaldiviasilva@hotmail.com

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