
A Theoretical Model of Feedback in Pharmacology Using Signal Flow Diagrams  

Abstract Category: Science
Course / Degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry
Institution / University: Fairfax University, United States
Published in: 1996

Dissertation Abstract / Summary:

The dissertation will present the signal flow diagram as an optimal systems pathway graph verses the traditional block diagram.  Three test cases involving human and animal trails will be developed usng the signal flow diagram.  A development, in the form of a paper, from this monograph, was published in The Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences in 1998.

Dissertation Keywords/Search Tags:
Feedback, Pharmacology, Signal Flow Diagrams

This Dissertation Abstract may be cited as follows:
Tice, B.S. (2001) A Theoretical Model of Feedback in Pharmacology Using Signal Flow Diagrams.  Bloomington: 1st Books Library.

Submission Details: Dissertation Abstract submitted by Bradley S. Tice from United States on 30-Mar-2011 20:21.
Abstract has been viewed 2813 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Bradley S. Tice Contact Details: Email: paulatice@att.net

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