
Cerebral Palsy in Children of Ohangwena Region (Namibia): Case Control Study of Risk Factors  

Abstract Category: Science
Course / Degree: Doctor of Philosophy - Physical Therapy
Institution / University: Atlantic International University, Honolulu, Hawaii (USA), United States
Published in: 2011

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

In terms of neurological disorders, cerebral palsy is one of the most common conditions treated by medical rehabilitation professionals. In Ohangwena region (Namibia) the incidence of cerebral palsy (CP) is surpassed only by cerebral vascular accident (CVA). CP is a major cause of disability in children, affecting child's movement, posture and muscle tone.

Poor understanding of the etiology of CP, absence of steady decline in the percentage of cerebral palsied and dialogue whether home deliveries area major cause for CP necessitated a study to evaluate the risk factors associated with pathogenesis of cerebral palsy in young children.

A cross-sectional survey on the prevalance of CP was conducted in young children aged one to five years in the three districts that formulate the region which is the area of the study. 62 cerebral palsied selected from medical rehabilitation departments patient register and 62 aged and sex matched neighborhood controls, all aged less than five years were study subject matter. Qualitative design, using exploration and descriptive research strategies was the methodolgy of choice. Mothers were interviewed and at times additional information about the child was obtained from hospital patient records.

Findings were multi-faced; study revealed that antenatal (gestational) risk factors mainly associated with developed countries, were equally  evident in Namibia which is a developing country, the case in point was maternal high blood pressure, and typical of developing world were factors like poor nutrition (low protein intake during pregnancy) and low educational level of mother to mention the main ones.

In the case of whether home deliveries areas major cause of CP, the study found out that the incidence as at par between institutional and home deliveries. With regards to absence of steady decline in the percentage of CP, it became evident that modern improved obstetric and advanced perinatal care has resulted in the increased survival of low birth weight babies, which was not the case 20 - 30 years back.

Bottom-line, prevalence and clinical features of CP in Ohangwena is comparable to other developing countries, as well as developed countries distributed in antenatal, perinatal and postnatal categories. Good news is this; significant risk factors for CP identified in the study are potentially modefiable.

Much study need to be done about about CP as it is suggested anywhere from 20% - 50% of the real cause are not known. Support is needed to diagnosed children, family and community in term of finance and social resources. As current there is no antenatal test for CP, no proven preventable measures in late pregnancy, and no known cure. To place more importance in gestational and perinatal care for mothers and babies will definetly reduce occurrence of cerebral palsy in young children population.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Cerebral Palsy, Risk Factors, Control Study

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Science - Cerebral Palsy in Children of Ohangwena Region (Namibia): Case Control Study of Risk Factors Dr.Marine Kimaro
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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by marine kimaro from Namibia on 02-Apr-2011 16:36.
Abstract has been viewed 4315 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

marine kimaro Contact Details: Email: kimaromarine@aol.com Phone: 00264813252855

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