
The Suitability of Inula crithmoides L. as a Coastal Zone Indicator in the Island of Gozo  

Abstract Category: Science
Course / Degree: BEd (Hons) (Geography)
Institution / University: University of Malta, Malta
Published in: 1995

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

Inula crithmoides L. is a halophilic angiosperm that has been used to assess the extent of the coastal zone of the islands. The use of this species in this regard has been based on intuition and no previous study has as yet described its distribution.

The distribution of I. crithmoides was investigated using Point-Quarter Vegetation Sampling, and the resultant data was analysed using multivariate statistical techniques.

Results indicate that abundance and density of I. crithmoides are significantly greater close to the coast than in inland areas. The relative importance of I. crithmoides in the context of the communities in which it occurs also decreases with distance from the coast.

Conclusions drawn from these results justified the suitability of the use of I. crithmoides as a coastal zone indicator for a number of reasons, namely: its concentration around the coast, its abundance, and for the fact that it is easily identifiable.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Inula crithmoides; coastal zone; bio-indicator; Gozo; multivariate analysis;point-quarter vegetationsampling

This Thesis Abstract may be cited as follows:
Mercieca, K. (1995) "The Suitability of Inula crithmoides L. as a Coastal Zone Indicator in the Island of Gozo", Unpublished Dissetation, University of Malta.

Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Kevin Mercieca from Malta on 22-Sep-2003 11:18.
Abstract has been viewed 2744 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Kevin Mercieca Contact Details: Email: kmer1@um.edu.mt

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