
Characterization And Phylogenetic Analysis Of PPARGC1A and PRLR Genes In Buffalo (Bubalis bubalus)  

Abstract Category: Science
Course / Degree: Ph.D.
Institution / University: Ruheena Javed, India
Published in: 2011

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

In present scenario more than 40 million household in India at least partially depend on livestock production. Buffaloes are one of the major milk producers in India. PRLR and PPARGC1A genes have been reported to be associated with milk protein and milk fat yields in livestock species. In present study we sequenced (PRLR) and Peroxisome Proliferator Receptor Gamma Coactivator 1 Alpha (PPARGC1A) genes in Bubalus bubalis. PRLR and PPARGC1A are candidate genes associated with milk protein and fat yield in dairy cattle. In PRLR gene 68 nucleotide variations were observed included an insertion of 59bp and one deletion of 6bp at position -85E3 and E9 1,103 respectively. PRLR gene coded 581 amino acids in buffalo. 21 amino acid variations were there in PRLR gene with an additional arginine at 620. Nine novel buffalo specific SNPs were identified in PRLR gene. Total 34 nucleotide variations were there in PPARGC1A gene between cattle and buffalo. Protein of PPARGC1A gene comprises 819 amino acids with 5 variations with cattle. Nine novel buffalo specific SNPs were identified in PPARGC1A gene.

The PRLR and PPRAGC1A gene sequences were conserved in bovidae and grouped different species in accordance with the evolutionary relationship. Six PCR-RFLP loci (PRLR_HpYCH4 IV, PRLR_BamHI, PRLR_Dra III, PRLR_Fau I, PPARGC1A_Eco0109I and PPARGC1A_AciI) were developed to genotype PRLR and PPARGC1A gene. Phylogenetic relationship between 12 buffalo breeds/ populations have been established utilizing 6 PCR-RFLP loci. These six loci could explain 6.54% of variation among twelve breeds. Self population assignment based on these six loci was only 22% which is due to lower Fst values between different populations. The correspondence analysis revealed that first three dimensions contributed to 88.63% of total variation. Phylogenetic relationship was drawn on the basis of Nei’s genetic distance which grouped 12 breeds in two major clusters. Buffalo specific 59 bp insertion in intron 2 and 6 bp deletion in exon 9 can be used as species specific marker. Identified eighteen novel buffalo specific SNPs in both the genes and developed six PCR- RFLP loci in this study can be used for the association studies, in performance recording buffalo population for milk, fat and protein production. These buffalo specific SNP markers can be utilized for marker assisted selection (MAS).

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Bubalus bubalis, Single Nucleotide Polymorphism, Genotyping, RFLP, Exon, Intron

This Thesis Abstract may be cited as follows:
Javed Ruheena (2011). Characterization and Phylogenetic Analysis of PPARGC1A and PRLR genes in buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Ph.D Thesis. Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana.

Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Ruheena Javed from India on 17-Jun-2011 07:16.
Abstract has been viewed 3086 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Ruheena Javed Contact Details: Email: ruhinagonu@gmail.com Phone: +91-9354663296

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