
An Evaluation Of How Children And Young People Can Be Motivated In Taking Part In The Planning Decision Making Process In England.  

Abstract Category: Architecture and Civil
Course / Degree: Planning and Develoment
Institution / University: Birmingham City University, United Kingdom
Published in: 2011

Magazine/Journal Abstract / Summary:

For any development to be considered truly sustainable there is a requirement of young people to get involved in taking decisions right from the initial stages. This will ensure that development is for future generations as well as the adults of today. Young people will then have the experience of participation in democratic process, which will then become part of their everyday life. This research was completed by using secondary researched data. It came to light that previous government and the incumbent government have interest in the subject of involving young people and children in the decision making process.

Magazine/Journal Keywords/Search Tags:
children’s role, decision making process, youth participation in planning

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Submission Details: Magazine/Journal Abstract submitted by Aaron Ahali from United Kingdom on 01-Oct-2011 04:47.
Abstract has been viewed 3253 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Aaron Ahali Contact Details: Email: aofoee@gmail.com

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