
Studies On Postharvest Handling Of Greenhouse Grown Rose Cv. First Red  

Abstract Category: Science
Course / Degree: Ph.D.
Institution / University: Dr YS Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan, India
Published in: 2005

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

Present investigations entitled “Studies on postharvest handling of greenhouse grown rose cv. First Red” were carried out in the field laboratory of Department of Floriculture and Landscaping, Dr. Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan (H.P.) during 2003-2004. During the entire course of study, four experiments i.e. standardization of pulsing treatments, holding solutions, dry and wet storage were conducted with flowers of three harvests viz., March, May and October for two consecutive years. In all the experiments, flowers of uniform stem length i.e. 45 cm, were used.

The experiment on standardization of holding solutions was laid out in Completely Randomized Design with 15 treatments replicated thrice. Holding solution containing 50 ppm 8-HQC + 1.5 per cent sucrose resulted in increased flower diameter (8.27 cm), more volume of solution consumed (66.50  ml), better vase life (18.66 days), more reducing sugars (330.00 mg g-1) and protein (19.69%) content and minimum weight loss (9.85%) in October harvested flowers but in March and May harvested flowers, the solution containing 100 ppm 8-HQC + 1.5 per cent sucrose increased all the economical parameters.

The experiment on standardization of pulsing solutions and durations was laid out in Factorial Completely Randomized Design with 26 treatments replicated thrice. Pulsing of flowers with 200 ppm 8-HQC + 4 per cent sucrose for 24 hours during March harvest, with 0.5 mM STS + 4 per cent sucrose during May harvest and with 200 ppm 8-HQC + 3 per cent sucrose for 24 hours during October harvested flowers resulted in maximum flower diameter, more volume of solution consumed, better vase life and appearance, more reducing sugars and protein content. Experiment on standardization of storage environments were laid out in Factorial Completely Randomized Design with 15 treatment combinations replicated thrice. Cellophane paper was found to be the best wrapping material for all the three harvests when stored dry, whereas, in wet storage experiment, storage of flowers in 100 ppm 8-HQC + 1.5 per cent sucrose during March and May harvest and in 50 ppm 8-HQC + 1.5 per cent sucrose during October harvest resulted in better performance of the flowers.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Postharvest, rose, pulsing, holding, dry storage, wet storage, sucrose, 8-HQC

This Thesis Abstract may be cited as follows:
Ritu Jain(2005) Studies on postharvest handling of greenhouse grown rose cv.

Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Ritu Jain from India on 02-Nov-2011 07:50.
Abstract has been viewed 3075 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Ritu Jain Contact Details: Email: ritujain.uhf@rediffmail.com

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