
[power] > Producing Optimum Will Enhancing Results  

Abstract Category: Science
Course / Degree: Neuroeconomics
Institution / University: Fine Fitness Foundation, United States
Published in: 2012

Book Abstract / Summary:


The purpose of this paper is to 1. [see] > scientific examination evidence from
2. [will] > word intelligence lifting life for personal
3. [power] > producing optimum will enhancing results to absorb 
4. [heat] > healthy elevation around tissue
through thermal dose distribution measurably created through
5. [steps] > stimulation therapy elevating power strategically
and designed to 'show transfer equation producing success.'
This work employs
6. [acronetics] > a creative resource offering neuroscientific expressions to improve cogitive stimulation,
which are based on the "invisible"
7. [links] > logical increasing neurological knowledge steps to connect to transient bio-heat transfer equation that's 8. [ideal] > intelligent deposition elevating absorbed link within
9. [acts] > active cube tissue study for the optimal absorbed power deposition
further demonstrated through
 10. [results] > research extensions showing ultrasound transducer sequence
of heating pulses.
The 11. [dose] > distribution of stimulation equivalence
is defined by Sapareto and Dewey; and used
 to evaluate the 12. [how] > heat optimized will 
for 13. [pace] > parameters actively considering elevation
by including:
(a)bsorbed power density
(b)lood perfusion blood
(c)ube size
(d)uration of heating
(e)levation of temperature
for a set of given parameters. 
 The 14. [peak] > personal elevation advancing knowledge
 internally and externally for proper temperature is the key factor
related to determing determining short-duration heating thermal dose.
 [Word illumination + Heat conduction]
has significant influence
as a 15. [master] > mind actively selecting temperature responses effectively.
note: this includes small and large heating cubes, especially the boundaries for the former.
 Hence, for securing the 16. [abc] > active blood consistency from the treatment,
requires higher dynamic words and higher power density.
[LPD] = [SDE]
Lower Power Density = Saving Delivered 
When using internal will inspired by acronetics aka "wordspace illumination"
and external ultrasound heating method for treatment - the [ABCs] apply:
 (a)ppropriate heating unit size
(b)alance between the heating pulses and,
(c)ooling-time measurement intervals
are the factors most important.

Book Keywords/Search Tags:
Neuroeconomics, Acronetics, Acroneticist

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Submission Details: Book Abstract submitted by RonnieC Wright from United States on 05-Jun-2012 05:02.
Abstract has been viewed 2816 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

RonnieC Wright Contact Details: Email: president@stayfine.org

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