
Medicinal Plant Survey Present In Vadgaon Forest  

Abstract Category: Science
Course / Degree: M.Sc
Institution / University: Prof. RMACS College, Akurdi,Pune44,India, India
Published in: 2011

Paper Abstract / Summary:

Western Ghat is a chain of mountain of 1600 km in length, running parallel to west coast of the peninsular in India from the river Tapi in north to Kanyakumari in the south. Vadgaon forest, Tal. Maval, Dist. Pune is a part of western ghat. In the present study survey of some medicinal plant present in Vadgaon Forest & nearby area was done. Total area is about 87.12 h. This mountain is cover with a rich diversity of plant most of this area is protected by the forest department and many parts are adapted by private people for construction. In the present investigation total 18 Families are present out of which 8 Families are becoming rare & endangered day by day. These 8 families were reported to the nearest forest department for protection & conservation.

Paper Keywords/Search Tags:
Survey, Medicinal Plant, Vadgaon Maval (Forest), 18 Families, Rare, Conservation.

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Submission Details: Paper Abstract submitted by Y.R. Ahire & R.P.Sonwalkar from India on 31-Aug-2012 08:25.
Abstract has been viewed 2598 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Y.R. Ahire & R.P.Sonwalkar Contact Details: Email: ahire_y@rediffmail.com Phone: 9822355834

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