
Lichen Diversity Present In Lohagadh  

Abstract Category: Science
Course / Degree: M.Sc.
Institution / University: Prof. RMACS College Akurdi, Pune, M.S., India
Published in: 2011

Paper Abstract / Summary:

Lichens are interesting organisms made up of symbiotic relationships between a fungus (mycobiont) and a green alga or cyanobacteria (photobiont), with the fungi providing the structure and the algae the green ‘chlorophyll’ part.  This association has been so successful that there are now about 20,000 species of lichens, represented in most habitats in the world. In the present study survey of some medicinally important Lichen species present in Lohagadh, Malavali, Tal. Maval, Dist. Pune (M.S.) was done. Lohagadh is a ford which is situated on one of the mountain of Malavali. In the present investigation during the survey, total 10 forms of Lichen species were found. Due to the tourist attraction, pollution is increasing in Lohagadh fort and diversity of Lichen is decreasing day by day. So, there is a need to conserve for economic as well as ecological purpose.

Paper Keywords/Search Tags:
Survey, Lichen diversity, Lohagadh fort, 10 species.

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Paper Images:
Science - Lichen Diversity Present In Lohagadh Lichens
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Science - Lichen Diversity Present In Lohagadh Lichens
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Submission Details: Paper Abstract submitted by Ahire Y.R. & Sonwalkar R.P. from India on 31-Aug-2012 09:40.
Abstract has been viewed 3118 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Ahire Y.R. & Sonwalkar R.P. Contact Details: Email: ahire_y@rediffmail.com Phone: 9822355834

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