
Determination Of The Effect Of The High And Low Beat Of Sounds On The Alzheimer’s Like Symptoms In Mice  

Abstract Category: Science
Institution / University: Management and Science University, Malaysia
Published in: 2011

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

The research conducted the determination of the beats sounds as one of a treatment in the Alzheimer’s disease where the symptoms created in mice which are according to the neurological reaction improving in the field of psychological effect on the brain interaction. This identification on the approving the beat sounds effect is divided into two types of sounds which are high beat and low beat of sounds. Alzheimer’s disease had been chosen according to the very serious public health problems because of the elevated numbers of people are suffered on this disease. The symptoms are created by inducing the anticholinergic drug where the drug is Scopolamine and this brings the early stage of Alzheimer’s disease symptoms. The main symptom identified was the memorization defect besides reduce the physical activity and also decrease the eating behavior and smell sense of the mice. The research conducted on the specific test to identify their improvement of the mice. Sample created in four group of mice (n=5) and research prolong in two months where the methods divided into three phase; before induce (adaptation condition), induced phase and the treatment phase. The entire group was prepared test in seven days on each phase.

The Scopolamine given in intraperitoneal injection for the first day of induced phase and continuation given until the treatment phase ended on their food and water drink (distilled water). On the results of the research which is the effect of psychological of beats sounds may affect the learning improvement which is the memorizing, physical activity and also the smell sense have bring the positive effect on the low beats of sounds in 90% improvement besides the 40% improvement in high beats of sounds applied, so the hypothesis has been accepted. This also can act as the prevention from the degeneration and eventual death of neurons in early ages of people.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:

This Thesis Abstract may be cited as follows:
DETERMINATION OF THE EFFECT OF THE HIGH AND LOW BEAT OF SOUNDS ON THE ALZHEIMER’S LIKE SYMPTOMS IN MICE.2011, M. Afifi M. F., S. Bariah S., Pukana J.Faculty of Health & Life Sciences, Management and Science University

Thesis Images:
Science - Determination Of The Effect Of The High And Low Beat Of Sounds On The Alzheimer’s Like Symptoms In Mice mice maze
(click to enlarge)

Science - Determination Of The Effect Of The High And Low Beat Of Sounds On The Alzheimer’s Like Symptoms In Mice mice maze 2
(click to enlarge)


Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Afifi Faridz from Malaysia on 28-Nov-2012 19:03.
Abstract has been viewed 2984 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Afifi Faridz Contact Details: Email: fifa200208@gmail.com

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