
Assessment Of Hybrid And Open Pollinated Varieties (opvs) Of Maize Under Conservation Agricultural Practices In Terai Region Of Nepal  

Abstract Category: Science
Course / Degree: Thesis, M.Sc.Ag
Institution / University: Tribhuvan University, Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal, Nepal
Published in: 2013

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

A field experiment was conducted at the research farm of National Maize Research Program, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal from February 2012 to June 2012 to evaluate the performance of hybrid and open pollinated varieties (OPV) of maize under various conservation agriculture based practices in terai region of Nepal. Altogether 16 treatments consisting of four maize varieties namely DMH-849, Rajkumar, Manakamana-3 and Rampur Composite and two levels of tillage (conventional and no tillage) and two levels of residues management (with or without residue) were tested in 3 replication under split-split plot design. The result revealed that higher number of ears/ha was found in Manakamana-3 (54013) followed by Rajkumar hybrid (53550). The number of grains per ear was higher for residue left plot (406.04). The effects of tillage, residue and their interactions on grain yield and stover yield were found non significant. However, the variation on grain and stover yield was observed. Rajkumar hybrid produced the highest grain and stover yields of 7182 and 9996 kg/ha followed by 6295.0 and 9825.62 kg/ha in Manakamana-3. Variation on leaf area index (LAI) was due to no tillage was found significant in 45 days after seeding (DAS). Where as, the effect of residues on LAI was found significant at 30, 45, 60 and 75 DAS. Genotypic effect on LAI was found significant only at 30 DAS, where Manakamana-3 had the highest LAI (0.066) followed by DMH849 (0.056) and Rampur Composite (0.055). The variation due to tillage, residue and variety was evident for plant height in all the time series. The effect of residue on dry matter at 45 DAS was highly significant, where higher amount of dry matter was recorded in residue removed plots than the residue left plots. However, the hybrids DMH-849 had more grain to stover ratio (0.75) followed by Rajkumar (0.74) as compare to Rampur Composite (0.69). The plot having residues took longer duration for silking compared to the plot having no residue. Among the genotypes, DMH-849 showed earlier in tasseling (76 days) and maturity (118 days) followed by Rampur Composite. Economic analysis depicted the highest net return in Rajkumar hybrid (Rs. 105617/ha) under no tilled with residue used condition followed by without residue condition (Rs. 92267/ha). Manakamana-3 produced the higher net return (Rs. 85349/ha) under no tillage with no residue used condition followed by conventional tillage with no residue (Rs.70766/ha). The high benefit cost ratio was found of 2.432 in plots having no tillage with residue followed by no tilled with no residue 2.382. Manakamana-3 had the highest benefit cost ratio of 2.351 in no residue plots followed by no tilled with no residue plots (2.072). Significant reduction of production cost due to conservation agriculture (CA) based practices over conventional agriculture was recorded. Therefore, the CA based crop management practices need to be further promoted in wider areas.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Assessment, hybrids, open pollinated varieties, maize and conservation agriculture

This Thesis Abstract may be cited as follows:
BK, S.B. 2013. Assessment of Hybrid and Open Pollinated Varieties (OPVs) of Maize under Conservation Agricultural Practices in Terai Region of Nepal

Thesis Images:
Science - Assessment Of Hybrid And Open Pollinated Varieties (opvs) Of Maize Under Conservation Agricultural Practices In Terai Region Of Nepal Mr. Santa Bahadur BK
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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Santa Bahadur BK from Nepal on 16-Dec-2013 06:53.
Abstract has been viewed 2519 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Santa Bahadur BK Contact Details: Email: shanta2015@live.com Phone: 9779846082243

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