
The Common Health Problems Of The 1st Year Pharmacy Students Of University Of Santo Tomas A.y. 2012 – 2013  

Abstract Category: Science
Course / Degree: Pharmacy
Institution / University: University of Santo Tomas, Philippines
Published in: 2014

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

University students are often perceived to have a privileged position in society and considered immune to ill-health and disability. However, health problems whether physical or emotional, could greatly affect an individual.

A descriptive design of study was conducted and to determine the commonly experience physical and emotional health problems of the first year students of the Faculty of Pharmacy. Commonly experienced physical and emotional health problems were determined from 245 students from the Department of Pharmacy. Of the 245 students, 56 are male and 189 are female. Results showed that in general, the most common emotional health problem is the irritable mood, followed by anxiousness or nervousness and headache. In terms of severity, only 3% of the students indicated that they have experienced severe health problems, while 44% indicated that they do not experience any physical or emotional health problems, while 37% indicated that they have experienced mild health problems.

Results further show that when gender is taken into consideration, the most common physical health problem experienced by the male respondents is headache and the most common emotional health problem is anxiousness or nervousness. On the other hand, the most common physical health problem experienced by the female are headache and fatigue or loss of energy and the most common in emotional is irritable mood.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
emotional health problem, physical health problem, severity,

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Library of the university 

Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Nathaniel Vicencio from Philippines on 12-Mar-2014 02:20.
Abstract has been viewed 2217 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Nathaniel Vicencio Contact Details: Email: nathancio09@gmail.com

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