
Action In A Canon  

Abstract Category: Science
Course / Degree: master of science
Institution / University: Private, Sri Lanka
Published in: 2014

Paper Abstract / Summary:

© Hamsen B Paramahamsa snb1898@gmail.com
“An action follows a release of energy. Energy is always released spherically outwards which decreases inversely in all directions. When they are hindered the energy spreads in directions which are free to spread, and become linear too. When linear they spread in opposite directions with equal strength if the directions are free. When one side is blocked the released energy almost doubles in the free direction. On the restricted side a bit of the released energy goes on or into the restricting medium.


© Action in a canon

Before middle-ages and much time after, cannons had a different construction. They had a bore with a closed end and an open. In the closed end the canon has its explosion and through open end the cannon-ball shoots to hit the aim. The cannon was made out of hard steel.
To fire a cannon, they fed the bore with explosive powder, which they pushed tight to the closed end. Then they pushed the cannon ball right in.
When they fired, the ball was accelerated in the bore and shot out to hit the aim. The action inside which brings about the shoot is an explosion. In an explosion the chemicals in the explosive react instantly, at a speed somewhere near the speed of light, and release the stored potential energy in the chemicals also at high speeds. The energy is carried as kinetic- as well as wave energy in the molecules of explosion and that of trapped air in the canon. The released energy spreads outwards spherically. It spreads under ideal conditions, equally outwards in all directions. In wave spheres. At every point in the “spreading-energy-spheres” the energy is equipotential, and decreases inversely as the radius (size) of the energy-spheres increases.
However, the cannon has walls and does not allow the energy to spread in spheres like in an unhindered ideal condition. The energy-spreading is only for a fraction of a second spherical. The energy-spreading-molecules hit the walls and the ball. A portion of the energy goes into the walls and much that hit the wall get reflected. The reflection is kinetic- as well as wave-energy. And the rest portion of the energy-carrying-molecules hit the ball as a small portion of the energy is given to the air molecules in the circular slit-gap between the walls and the ball.
As the energy-carrying-molecules spread quasi-spherically as kinetic- and wave-energy, the air in the gap between the ball and the walls shoots out first. It produces a vacuum before the ball which makes an instant sucking of the ball forwards. Then just after a minute fraction of time the ball moves faster as it is hit by the energy-carrying-molecules of the explosion. And the action of shooting doesn´t stop there. The molecules reflected by the walls hit the ball too. It happens just after a fraction of time delay. All the actions have speeds of the order somewhere near the speed of light. And the ball gets accelerated in the bore. And the acceleration is further forced by the repeated (vibratory) back and forth reflection of the molecules in cavity between the closed-end and the ball. However, the vibratory reflections of the molecules add to the acceleration in the bore only to certain distance, after which frictional retardation in the bore commences.
Singularity of actions:

  • 1. If the cannon is tight-fitted the ball shoots long distances. Because only a little amount goes into canon-walls in different forms. They are heat, vibration of the molecules and elasticity of the medium etc.. And most of the energy released in the explosion goes into the motion of the ball. In this case the action ends linear and much energy goes into the shoot, hence the longer distance.
  • 2. In the case if the cannon is fitted on a frame with wheels, then the reach of the ball varies and is always less than on a rigid fitting. It depends how firm the wheels are braked from recoil. If the fitting is lash then the frame moves behind. And considerable amount of energy of explosion goes into the recoil plus into the walls in different forms. And the ball gets lesser energy than it would have otherwise had if the fitting were tight. As a result the ball shoots lesser distance.

In both the cases the released energy brings about an action that is linear. In the first case, the canon shoots the ball with most of the released energy because it is tight fitted and has no recoil. In the second case, with wheels, the canon gives a considerable amount of released energy to the frame. And that goes into the motion of the frame. And the ball has lesser energy hitting it. Therefore lesser distance than when the canon is tightly fitted and cannot move.
The “singularity of action” is that canon walls does not have equal and opposite reaction. But energy goes into the walls. Depending on the type of construction the energy going into the walls varies.

*** Energy going or forced into a wall should not be taken as absorption of energy by the wall. Because in absorption work is done by the absorber. It has to be an energy supply by the absorber. In this case of cannon, the energy that makes the molecules of the wall vibrate, get heated and expand, and used in elasticity is supplied by the explosion and forced in. It is work-done from outside into the walls. Therefore it is not absorption. The increased amount of energy of the walls (increased potential energy) came from outside.

Paper Keywords/Search Tags:
action and reaction

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Submission Details: Paper Abstract submitted by Balasupramaniam Paramahamsa from Sri Lanka on 18-May-2014 13:35.
Abstract has been viewed 2090 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Balasupramaniam Paramahamsa Contact Details: Email: eecoltd2@gmail.com

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