Orbit-swellings And Ice-ages
Abstract Category: Science
Course / Degree: Master of science
Institution / University: Private, Germany
Published in: 2014
A planet always orbit a major object like the Sun. Its orbit under ideal conditions is an ellipse. But such ideal conditions are never met. In reality the orbits are wavy and curvy. In one focus of the ellipse is the major object. The main object is in motion and has many gravitational forces acting on it. The major object must also shift towards the minor due to gravitational force from the minor. It is a minute amount. As the planet orbits about the major object it pulls the major object by that minute amount. It makes a very small elliptic focus. So the focus where the major object sits is a minute quasi-ellipse caused by the planet.
The quasi-elliptical orbit of the planet has one point nearest to the major object and is called perihelion. And there is a point farthest from the major. It is called aphelion it is in the far end of the planet´s orbit. In the same time, logically, the ellipse of the focus where the major sits and moves has a perihelion and aphelion. And they are opposite to that of the planet. That is, the perihelion of the planet and aphelion of the focus face one another as the perihelion of the focus faces aphelion of the planet.
The same is when a planet has a moon about it. The moon orbits the planet in a quasi ellipse with a perihelion and aphelion. And the planet sits and moves in a quasi elliptical focus formed by the inter-pull of the moon and the planet. And they have aphelion of moon facing perihelion of the planet, and vice versa.
Both together, the moon and the planet, orbit the major object like the Sun. As they orbit they pull one another with constantly varying gravitational forces. There are more than three gravitational forces at work. One from the major, second from the planet, third of the moon and other objects in distant neighbourhood. They interact shifting each others distance from one another obeying the laws of Kepler and Newton.
When the moon and the planet orbit the Sun there is swelling of the Moon´s orbit in one half of the Planet-Sun orbit and shrinking of the Moon´s orbit in the other half of the Planet-Sun orbit. This swelling and shrinking varies along the orbit. It increases in the part of the track of the planet from aphelion to perihelion. And shrinks as it passes perihelion and goes towards aphelion. The increase is maximum at the perihelion and minimum at the aphelion. In other words, the orbit of the moon around a planet swells from aphelion to perihelion of the Planet-Sun orbit. This effect is the same with Comet´s tail although the Tail of a Comet does not orbit the Head of the Comet.
The increase or decrease of the distance between a planet and a moon has not much effect on a moon. But between a planet with an atmosphere and Sun it does have effects, because the Sun with its system orbits a grand focus.
The Sun is obliged to be in union or coalition with other systems that are more or less of equal sizes and in a constellation. There is no escape from it. The laws of gravity will never allow a system to be a loner. They have to orbit one another at vast distances in the constellation.
Like the Moon´s orbit about a planet, the orbit of the planet undergoes a swelling when Sun orbits a vast union of systems. The swelling is from aphelion to perihelion of the Sun´s orbit around the focus of grand or mega system.
This has a decisive effect on the planet with an atmosphere. For when the planet is in the swelling stretch of the orbit, the radiation of the Sun falling on the surface of the planet decreases. As it decreases the climate in the planet cools down. Which eventually causes Ice-age. The periodicity of the ice-ages thus forming must have tens of millenniums. It is suspected by many palaeoclimatologists that there could be an Ice-age cycle of about 40 000 years. Which must be attributed to “orbit-swelling” of the planet in the Sun´s journey around a “Grand or Mega-focus”.
Paper Keywords/Search Tags:
Swelling of a planets orbit
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Submission Details: Paper Abstract submitted by Balasupramaniam Paramahamsa from Germany on 09-Jun-2014 11:21.
Abstract has been viewed 2342 times (since 7 Mar 2010).
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