
The Effect Of Positive-thinking Skills Training On The Attributive Style In Primary School Boys In Esfahan City  

Abstract Category: Science
Course / Degree: master
Institution / University: Islamic Azad University, Isfahan(khorasgan) Branch, Isfahan,Iran ., Iran
Published in: 2014

Dissertation Abstract / Summary:

The aim of this study was to determine the effect of positive thinking skills on attributional style of primary school male students. This is a quasi-experimental study and population consisted of all 9-11 year primary school male students in Isfahan in 1392-93. Among the target population, 42 male students from 9 to 11 years were selected through convenience sampling and randomly divided into two experimental and control groups (each group n = 21). The instruments were revised questionnaire of Thompson et al Children's Attributional Style (1998) and me and my thoughts educational book, Cham Zadeh (1393). Subjects in each group answered the Attributional Style Questionnaire before and after intervention. Results of covariance analysis showed that positive thinking skills had a significant impact on attributional style, except being inclusive in pessimistic attributional style (P>0.01), in other dimensions (P

Dissertation Keywords/Search Tags:
Positive thinking skills, Attributional style, Primary school male students

This Dissertation Abstract may be cited as follows:
- Chamzadeh Ghanavati, M. (2014). Educational books: me and my thoughts. Chapter First book. (p. 112). Isfahan, Iran: Isfahan Books. - Ghasemzadeh, M. G. (2012). Child Behavior Therapy. Printing. (p. 192). Tehran . Iran.

Submission Details: Dissertation Abstract submitted by Mana Chamzadeh Ghanavati from Iran on 25-Nov-2015 18:06.
Abstract has been viewed 2324 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Mana Chamzadeh Ghanavati Contact Details: Email: manachamzade@yahoo.com Phone: 00989133202091

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