
Earth's Ballerina Effect  

Abstract Category: Science
Course / Degree: master of Science
Institution / University: Private research, Sri Lanka
Published in: 2016

Paper Abstract / Summary:

Earth and Ballerina Effect

The earth can never be at rest. The causes are many. They are in the depths, on the surface, above in the atmosphere and in the space. One of the driving cause for the dynamics of the earth is the “The Earth’s Ballerina Effect”. Fortunately, it affects positively on the biology of the Earth.
The law in physics, the conservation of momentum, is the force in “Ballerina Effect”. The earth’s momentum of rotation can be considered to be constant for a limited period of time. But as time passes corrections have to be done. For, it does change when celestial bodies, materials, celestial rains and even solar radiation fall on the earth.
The angular momentum, depending on the impact of the celestial bombardments, can increase or decrease. If the impacts favour the momentum the speed of rotation rises. The impacts occur daily. The earth being comparatively enormous the change in momentum could be neglected for practical purposes.
The materials in the crust are perpetually shifting in the depths and on the surface. Times very slow and times visibly fast enough. The amount of mass increases, decreases and never constant at the poles and at the mountain tops. The increase and decrease of the masses must change speed of rotation due to the law of conservation of momentum. This must result in the “Earth’s Ballerina Effect”.
Ballerina Effect is this: when a Ballerina dances her talent lies in how she rotates faster and slower. She catches momentum straight on skating with both legs and raises speed. Then when the momentum has increased (velocity x mass) she decides to rotate. At this moment she converts linear momentum into angular momentum. Thus the law of conservation of momentum is held.
She can rotate faster or slower. It depends on the rotational distances travelled by her body parts. She brings her limbs to her body she rotates faster. Then to rotate slower she stretches her arms and legs.
The Ballerina uses force with muscles. The earth has gravity. The difference is the speed of rotation of the Earth does not change. Instead, The Ballerina Effect comes through simultaneously shifting masses at complementary regions.
1. If the mass from Earth’s surface shifts to the poles with extra freezing, the rotation speed must increase to hold the conservation of momentum. But the speed does not change. Instead mass shifts at the equator and the radius increases. The Earth bulges
2. The reverse occurs when mass is reduced at mountain tops due to soil erosion. When the mountain tops lose height and mass the earth must rotate faster. It does not happen, instead the poles lose mass, too. The icebergs break and shift in the direction of equator. The Earth’s bulging reduces
3. When the poles begin melting the sea level rises and much water go towards equator. According to the law, the speed must reduce. It does not happen. The height of the mountains must increase. The earth must bulge at the equator.

Paper Keywords/Search Tags:
Rock splitting, continental drift,

This Paper Abstract may be cited as follows:
Works on Rock splitting and canyon forming

Submission Details: Paper Abstract submitted by Balasupramaniam Paramahamsa from Sri Lanka on 10-May-2016 09:40.
Abstract has been viewed 1713 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Balasupramaniam Paramahamsa Contact Details: Email: eecoltd2@gmail.com

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