
Distribution Of Gracillaria Species(gracillaria Edulis, Rhodophyta) In Srilanka  

Abstract Category: Science
Course / Degree: Ph.D(Reading)
Institution / University: University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka
Published in: 2016

Magazine/Journal Abstract / Summary:

Seaweeds are the marine aquatic plants which are found in the subtidal region and in the coastal region between low and high tide. Where 0.01% photosynthetic light is available. Light exposure, depth, temperature, tides, Plant pigments, and the characteristics of the shore combine to create various environments that determine the distribution of seaweeds. The present study was consisted distribution of the Gracillaria edulis algae from Sri Lanka, based on an intensive regime of local collection. Gracillaria species Samples were observed and collected from a total of 6 regions along the beach areas seasonally between March 2015 and August 2015 period. Mainly four species of Gracilaria were recorded in the Sri Lanka, including one G.corticata species were identified in Kalpitiya and mostly abundant G.edulis in Puttalam, Jaffna, Trincomalee and Mannar. Most members of genus Gracillaria were distributed widely along the coast of Puttalam. Rocky platforms exposed to the open sea had a greater variety of species than either rocky platforms in sheltered areas or those associated with sandy beaches. G.verrucosa occurred only in the sublittoral and G.edulis only in the eulittoral, and rest of the species were found in both zones. The most common species was G.salicornia, followed by G. corticata and G.hikkaduwensis. G.verrucosa and G.edulis have an extremely rich and diverse seaweed flora with a wide variety of marine habitats in Sri Lanka. Increased commercial interest in these seaweed resources has been the stimulus for Biochemical studies.

Magazine/Journal Keywords/Search Tags:
Seaweeds; Sublittoral; Eulittoral; Distribution; Gracillaria

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Submission Details: Magazine/Journal Abstract submitted by Ganeshamoorthy Umakanthan from Sri Lanka on 07-Oct-2016 15:48.
Abstract has been viewed 1784 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Ganeshamoorthy Umakanthan Contact Details: Email: ghumakanth@gmail.com Phone: +94714483559

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