
Program-Oriented Methods and Measuring Instruments for Frequency-Time Parameters of Electric Signals  

Abstract Category: Engineering
Course / Degree: Measuring instruments and methods for electrical and magnetic values
Institution / University: National University Lviv Polytechnic, Ukraine
Published in: 1997

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

This thesis describes theory, simulation and practical realisation of novel program-oriented self-adopted methods for frequency-to-code conversion. Due to these methods the minimum possible hardware, constant quantization error in all measuring range and non-redundant time of measurement were achieved. These methods can be used for different smart sensors signal processing and data acquisition in frequency-time domain.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
program-oriented self-adopted methods, frequency-to-code conversion, quantization error, smart sensors, data acquisition

This Thesis Abstract may be cited as follows:
Sergey Y. Yurish, Program-Oriented Methods and Measuring Instruments for Frequency-Time Parameters of Electric Signals, Ph.D. Thesis, National University Lviv Polytechnic, 1997

Thesis Images:
Engineering - Program-Oriented Methods and Measuring Instruments for Frequency-Time Parameters of Electric Signals Tachometer uses program-oriented method of measurement
(click to enlarge)

Engineering - Program-Oriented Methods and Measuring Instruments for Frequency-Time Parameters of Electric Signals Active Rotation Speed Sensor
(click to enlarge)

Engineering - Program-Oriented Methods and Measuring Instruments for Frequency-Time Parameters of Electric Signals Encoder
(click to enlarge)


Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Sergey Y. Yurish from Ukraine on 21-Jul-2005 15:33.
Abstract has been viewed 4255 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Sergey Y. Yurish Contact Details: Email: info@sensorsportal.com

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