
Performance Issues for Distributed Real Time Database Systems  

Abstract Category: Engineering
Course / Degree: PhD
Institution / University: Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India
Published in: 2006

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

1.Development of simulators for the both main memory resident and disk resident distributed real time database system using C language. The implementation and experimental studies have provided a deeper insight into many of the issues encountered in the design of distributed real time database systems.

2.Design of new priority assignment policies to cohort executing in parallel for the allocation of CPU & data.

3.Development of a method for the computation of deadline for global & local transactions.

4.Design of a static two phase locking with higher priority based distributed real time commit protocol named as SWIFT and its performance evaluation in comparison to other distributed real time commit protocols such as PROMPT, 2SC etc.

5.Design of a memory efficient distributed real time commit protocol named as MECP to reduce the main memory storage requirement for maintaining temporary records and its performance evaluation in comparison to other distributed real time commit protocols such as PROMPT, 2SC etc..

6.Conclusions of the overall work and findings, and the scope for the future research.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Distributed Real Time Database Systems, Priority Assignment Policy, Distributed Real Time Commit Protocol

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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Udai Shanker from India on 06-Feb-2006 07:43.
Abstract has been viewed 3031 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Udai Shanker Contact Details: Email: udaigkp@gmail.com

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