
Organizational Management Methods for Information and Communication Technology Service Providers  

Abstract Category: I.T.
Course / Degree: PhD Organizational Leadership
Institution / University: Universidad Central de Nicaragua, Nicaragua
Published in: 2009

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

The various organizational management methods for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) manifest through the measurable properties of the ICT services they purport to manage. An ICT service is the instantiation of the performances of all its systems, which systems subsume both human and technical resources and capabilities. An ICT service manages constraints by marshalling the performances of its ICT systems (including persons), thus providing value to consumers by enabling desired consumer outcomes while mitigating specific costs and risks. The increasing importance and requisite prevalence of ICT services create dependencies between human and electronic systems increasing the complexity of the interactions between providers and consumers. In response, it has become more difficult for ICT providers to organize limited staff and allocate constrained resources in the most efficient, effective, equitable, and economic manner. This dissertation defines a management method to identify the most valuable ICT service, and recursively identify its most valuable ICT systems in order to organize limited staff and technical resources in the most effective manner. I first identify typical roles, relationships, and transactions between ICT service providers and consumers. The antecedents of these transactions are assessed and the effectiveness of related management methods investigated. I then describe how an ICT service provider can manage its human and technical resources to deliver and support ICT services in accordance with consumer expectations of service. I introduce the concept of BVaR (Business Value at Risk) as an ICT management method that can measure the present value of an ICT service in order to identify, select, and prioritize ICT services and systems for optimization. BVaR provides a spatial value model representing the interplay of human and technical resources during the production, delivery, and consumption of ICT services. I describe the management principles guiding BVaR and the constraints required to retain and reinforce those principles. Finally, I describe how the consumer and provider benefit from the application of BVaR by examining its application to a prototypical ICT service transaction.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Service, Management, Optimization, Performance, Psychology, Business Value at Risk (BVaR)

This Thesis Abstract may be cited as follows:
Marquis, H.A. (2009) Organizational Management Methods for Information and Communication Technology Service Providers, Doctor of Philosophy Dissertation, Universidad Central de Nicaragua

Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Henry A. Marquis from Nicaragua on 16-Dec-2008 17:23.
Abstract has been viewed 4672 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Henry A. Marquis Contact Details: Email: hmarquis@me.com

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