
The impact of type of school on biology students at secondary level in Khanewal district  

Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: M.Phil leading to PhD
Institution / University: Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan, Pakistan
Published in: 2008

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

The purpose of the study was to explore the impact of type of school on the achievement of students in Biology at secondary level in Khanewal district. For this purpose 08 English medium and 08 Urdu medium comprising 04 boys and 04 girls secondary schools were selected as a sample through random sampling technique. The total sample comprised 401 9th class Biology students. A multiple-choice items type test containing 40 items from the sylabus of secondry Biology as a research tool was developed. the test was based on the general understanding and comprehension in the subject of Biology. The test administered by the researcher himself and help was sought by the concerned Bio-teachers. The test was scored on the principle of one item- one score. Arithmatic mean, standard deviation and z-test was used to interpret and statistically analyze the data.It was found through the study that on the whole, statistically the achievement of English medium students was better than that of Urdu medium students in the subject of Biology . This study also revealed that achievement of all female studdents was better than that of all male students and achivement of English medium males was quite negligible as compared to Urdu medium females despite the better mean scoree of the former. the achievement of the Urdu medium female students was bettter than the achievement of the Urdu medium males. The achievement of the female students as compared to male students in English Medium was quite insignificant despite the better mean score of the former.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Type of school, achievement, biology

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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Manzoor Hussain from Pakistan on 06-Feb-2009 23:30.
Abstract has been viewed 3407 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Manzoor Hussain Contact Details: Email: manzoormart@yahoo.com

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