
An Exploratory Study on Teaching Effectiveness and Research Productivity in Higher Technical Education Institutions in India  

Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: Ph.D
Institution / University: National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, India
Published in: 2009

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

Mixed method approach, combining quantitative and qualitative methodologies, was adopted in the research work. Teaching effectiveness (TE) was measured through parameters, such as: teaching effort; students' rating of teaching, placement rates and value-added index. Research productivity (RP) was measured through number of papers published, research intensiveness. Further, the data was analyzed to check whether contextual factors- such as, age, designation, departmental affiliation, type of qualifying institution, type of institution in which the faculty were working, teaching experience etc., Deterrents for effective teaching and productive research were identified. Analysis of secondary data confirmed some of the hypotheses regarding the effect of contextual factors on TE and RP. This study found a weak positive relation between TE and RP in the context of select Higher Technical Education Institutions in India. This aspect needs to be probed further. A simple model was formulated to synergize teaching and research within the system of Indian HTEIs.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Teaching Effectiveness, Research Intensiveness, Publication Productivity, Research Productivity

This Thesis Abstract may be cited as follows:
Sambatur Sridhar, 2009. "An Exploratory Study on Teaching Effectiveness and Research Productivity in Higher Technical Education Institutions in India", Unpublished Ph.D Thesis, N.I.T.K. Surathkal

Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Sambatur Sridhar from India on 12-Feb-2009 14:50.
Abstract has been viewed 6281 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Sambatur Sridhar Contact Details: Email: ssambatur@gmail.com

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