
Learning Strategies for Ninth-Grade Students for Comprehension of Reading Text Material  

Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: Educational Leadership
Institution / University: Nova Southeastern University, United States
Published in: 2003

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

The purpose of this applied dissertation was to show improved reading comprehension by high school students through the use of reading strategies in English classes. An analysis of 3 years of state-standardized tests given in reading to all 11th graders as a graduation requirement indicated that there was a continuous decline in the average reading scores of students in the Eastern Camden County School District. Teachers supported this fact with observations that students had difficulty reading and comprehending high school level text material.

This applied dissertation revised the English curriculum to include instruction in reading strategies for all 9th-grade students. It provided English and content area teachers with professional development in methods of presenting reading strategies. Through the use of a quasi-experimental method, a reading pretest and posttest format was implemented with an experimental group as well as a control group that did not receive reading instruction. Test scores were analyzed and compared at the beginning and the end of the reading program. Analyses of qualitative data in the form of student, administrator, and teacher observations, interviews, forums, and surveys were conducted.

Implementation of the program was difficult due to scheduling, coordination, and training. Test results showed that scores for the group receiving the reading instruction increased by 3% whereas scores for the control group decreased by 3% from pretest to posttest. Test results, however, were not conclusive as to the effectiveness of the reading program as designed.

Results showed that implementation of a reading program at the high school level must provide coordination of staff; strong, consistent curriculum; and ongoing support and training to be effective.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Secondary Schools/Reading Instruction/Reading Ability/ Reading Achievement/Literacy

This Thesis Abstract may be cited as follows:
Learning Strategies for Ninth-Grade Students for Comprehension of Reading Text Material. Garcia, Loyola L., 2003: Applied Dissertation, Nova Southeastern University, Fischler Graduate School of Education and Human Services. Secondary Schools/Reading Instruction/Reading Ability/ Reading Achievement/Literacy

Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Loyola L. Garcia from United States on 02-Mar-2009 09:06.
Abstract has been viewed 19174 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Loyola L. Garcia Contact Details: Email: loyolal@comcast.net

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