
eLearning in Higher Education: Adopting, Adapting and Applying (3A eLearning Methodology)  

Abstract Category: I.T.
Course / Degree: M.Sc. in IT
Institution / University: University of Northern Virginia, United States
Published in: 2007

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

Failure which accompanied many eLearning projects in higher education institutions was, on the whole, a result of the lack of deep understanding of the process dimensions as well as the lack of good planning and comprehensiveness. The main objective of this research was to develop an eLearning methodology taking into account that eLearning still a huge debate and controversial domain. The study started with reviewing the history and concept of eLearning to come up with suggesting a comprehensive definition of eLearning. Moreover, a number of teaching/learning theories have been discussed in order to develop a methodology which was made up of three phases namely: Adopting Phase, Adapting Phase and Applying Phase (3A Methodology). Adopting phase aims at making institution to become convinced, willing, and ready to exploit technology in teaching and learning (eLearning), and it covers mainly, leadership’s commitment and eLearning strategic planning. Leadership’s commitment section discusses the Innovation-Decision Model, the concept of adopter categories and the adoption/diffusion theories presented by Rogers. eLearning strategic planning clarifies and discusses the pre-planning steps, the components of eLearning plan and the four basic elements of strategic management: environmental scanning, scenario planning, strategy formulation, strategy implementation, and evaluation and control. Adapting phase aims at creating a harmonious and compatible environment to ensure greater success and minimize costs and efforts. This phase studies and discusses the process of adapting eLearning strategy to the institutional strategy: Adapting management to eLearning strategy and change management, adapting technology to eLearning strategy, adapting academics to eLearning strategy, adapting academics and faculty members to eLearning strategy, overcome eLearning resistance and change management, total quality management (TQM) and technology, and learning technologies unit. Applying phase is the last one in the researcher’s proposed eLearning methodology, which addresses the process of eLearning implementation. Applying phase is about eLearning process itself, which consists of the following domains: Content, Technology, Services and Human resources orientation (Readiness). Moreover, a new instructional design model was illustrated and introduced (ASAIE Model) which leads to time saving and efforts minimizing.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
eLearning, eLearning in Higher Education, eLearning Methodology

This Thesis Abstract may be cited as follows:
Ajarma, Mohammad (2007). eLearning in Higher Education: Adopting, Adapting and Applying (3A eLearning Methodology)

Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Mohammed Salem Ajarma from Palestine on 20-Mar-2010 13:09.
Abstract has been viewed 6733 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Mohammed Salem Ajarma Contact Details: Email: m-ajarma@hotmail.com Phone: +970599678373

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