A Study Of Anxiety And Risk Taking Behaviour Of Secondary School Students In Pondicherry Region
Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: Education(M.Ed., Mphil., Ph.D) psychology (M.A.,M.Sc.,.M.. Phil.,Ph.D)
Institution / University: Annamalai University, India
Published in: 2011
In the present study the investigator has investigated the anxiety and risk taking behaviour of secondary school students in Pondicherry region. The researcher has taken 1026 standard X students from Pondicherry region. Descriptive analysis and Differential statistical analysis have been utilised for this study. The null hypotheses are framed and tested by the researcher. From the findings it was found. There exists significant difference between BC and MBC community students in their anxiety. There exists significant difference between MBC and SC&ST community students in their anxiety. There exists positive and significant relationship between anxiety and risk taking behaviour of standard X students.
Magazine/Journal Keywords/Search Tags:
Anxiety, Risk taking behaviour
This Magazine/Journal Abstract may be cited as follows:
U.Pandian Ph.D.,Research Scholar,& Dr. R.Ramachandran, Assistant Professor(2011). A study of Anxiety and Risk Taking Behaviour of Secondary School Student in Pondicherry Region: Journal of Innovation in Education & psychology: ISSN: 2249-1481; Vol:01 No: 04 Year: Sep.2011. page 28-33.
Submission Details: Magazine/Journal Abstract submitted by Pandian Uthandaraman from India on 19-Oct-2011 05:00.
Abstract has been viewed 3173 times (since 7 Mar 2010).
Pandian Uthandaraman Contact Details: Email: pandibas@gmail.com Phone: 9952143273
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