
Design And Construction Of A Beverage Manufacturing And Delivery Model  

Abstract Category: Engineering
Course / Degree: Bachelor of Engineering
Institution / University: THE COPPERBELT UNIVERSITY, Zambia
Published in: 2008

Dissertation Abstract / Summary:

Effective interfacing of different technological aspects has led to the development of efficient industrial and domestic equipment. This has contributed to the advent of Variable Speed Drives (VSD) and development of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) in the field of Automation. In Automation application, the PLC controls or runs a control program which is setup to achieve a specific task. Then the VSD enables a wide range of frequency variation to the drive motor i.e. from 0 to 50Hz. The abilities of the PLC to effectively control the VSD provides a more precise form of position and load characteristic control. A lower level programmable logic module (LOGO) was used to configure and control the Robotic Arm for its operations. A most advancing form of data communication known as Wireless communication using Radios has also been interfaced in this project. For proper coordination of events, it is therefore important that the series of events be sequentially organanised. The Project’s events were established and then a clear sequence was developed which led to the development of the control programs.

Dissertation Keywords/Search Tags:
Electrical/Electronics Engineering

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Submission Details: Dissertation Abstract submitted by ENOCK MULENGA from Zambia on 11-Nov-2012 14:11.
Abstract has been viewed 3223 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

ENOCK MULENGA Contact Details: Email: cyberjunkyard@gmail.com

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