
Development Of Official Website For The Department Of Applied Physics, Electronics & Communication Engineering (apece)  

Abstract Category: I.T.
Course / Degree: B. Sc. Engg.
Institution / University: Applied Physics, Electronics & Communication Engineering,University of Chittagong., Bangladesh
Published in: 2013

Paper Abstract / Summary:

An official website is the repository of all relevant information of any department that helps to keep up to date with the modern scientific world, focuses the activities and achievements of a department. This paper describes a live project carried out towards the development of an official website of Department of Applied Physics, Electronics & Communication Engineering (APECE), University of Chittagong, Bangladesh using Joomla!, an open source web Content Management System (CMS) software to design a dynamic website. The main objective of developing this project is to explore the versatility of an open source web Content Management Software as a precursor to handle web content of a full blown website of APECE department including its faculties, students, alumni, seminar-library services etc. The task is to build a website CMS, the experience gained power & versatility of the Joomla! explored to develop the dynamic website of the department are discussed in the paper as a case study particularly in the ease of installing and managing the web content both static and dynamic by non-technical man power in departments, authorized persons and administration.


The project aimed at developing a website to present the department of APECE with attractive outlook and all relevant information and also to study Joomla! application to build a dynamic website with this application. The study includes an evaluation procedure to test utility of the resulting website CMS. This work has laid the foundation for further improvement by adding more content, making it more users friendly through technological endeavors. The techniques and procedures used in this work can be utilized for the purpose of web developing of any other academic institution or organization.

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I.T. - Development Of Official Website For The Department Of Applied Physics, Electronics & Communication Engineering (apece) Home page of Website
(click to enlarge)


Submission Details: Paper Abstract submitted by MD. ASHIQUR RAHMAN from Bangladesh on 15-Mar-2013 18:53.
Abstract has been viewed 4084 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

MD. ASHIQUR RAHMAN Contact Details: Email: ashikbd89@yahoo.com Phone: +8801710425008

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