
“Work Performance Of Barangay Secretaries In The Municipality Of Odiongan, Romblon”  

Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: AB-Political Science
Institution / University: College of Arts and Sciences, Romblon State University, Philippines
Published in: 2012

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

This study was determined to assess the work performance of barangay secretaries in the Municipality of Odiongan, Romblon as perceived by 225 Barangay Officials and 25 Barangay Secretaries (respondents). Specifically, it aims to know the barangay officials and barangay secretaries socio-demographic profile such as; age, sex, civil status, Educational attainment and monthly income; the level of perception on the work performance of barangay secretaries in terms of clerical functions, civil registrar duties, electoral responsibilities and social responsibilities; and significant difference of perceptions between the perceived performance of barangay officials and barangay secretaries

The data were gathered through researcher’s made questionnaire and were statistically treated using statistical formula like percentage to analyze the socio-demographic profile and level of performance of barangay secretaries; weighted mean to assess the respondents’ perception on the work performance of the barangay secretaries in the municipality of Odiongan.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Socio- demographic profile, Work performance, barangay secretaries, Clerical function, Civil Registrar Duties, Electoral Responsibilities and Social Responsibilities

This Thesis Abstract may be cited as follows:
DR. EDNA M. SIXON, ALVIN L. MAGRACIA, MA. CRISTINA D. TORIAGA, MARK M. MAGRACIA, MYLA G. GARCIA, NOEL M. ROTONI and SHARLENE MAE M. MADRONA.(2012).Work Performance of Barangay Secretaries in the Municipality of Odiongan, Romblon

Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by ALVIN L. MAGRACIA, et.al from Philippines on 21-Aug-2013 07:30.
Abstract has been viewed 4538 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

ALVIN L. MAGRACIA, et.al Contact Details: Email: mario30@yahoo.com

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