
The Level Of Awareness In The Importance Of Data Security In Business  

Abstract Category: I.T.
Course / Degree: Bachelor of Science in Information System
Institution / University: University of the East, Philippines
Published in: 2013

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

In this research study, the researchers measure the level of awareness of the respondents in terms of handling business data on how they are knowledgeable in terms of the security of the business data.

They also determined the level of awareness of the respondents on the different effects of computer security threats in business and to determine the level of implementing data security in a particular computer security threats.
This study aimed to know the level of awareness of the bank tellers about the importance of data security in the business. The questionnaire constructed by the researchers was the other research instrument used and percentage and graphs were the tools employed. The result of the survey based on the questionnaire were recorded, tallied and presented. There are a total of 15 respondents that the researchers involved with their study. The researchers will provide much information to their respondents about Data Security for make it easily to them to understand.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Data Security

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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by cheska santos from Philippines on 15-Dec-2013 04:25.
Abstract has been viewed 4326 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

cheska santos Contact Details: Email: chezky-santos@yahoo.com

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