
Assessment Of Practice And Problems Of Bpr Implementation In Case Of Arbaminch University  

Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: EDPM/BA degree in Educational Planning and management
Institution / University: Arbaminch University, Ethiopia
Published in: 2013

Paper Abstract / Summary:

Higher education is a center of knowledge and skill transformation and creation. As such, higher education is crucial for the production of vital human resources with different disciplines. In addition, it provides vital roles for the society through community services and job creations. On top of these, Teshome (2005) concluded that higher education as critical for economic progress, political stability and peace, as well as building democratic culture and cohesive societies in the country.
A business process is a collection of activities that are related to each other in a coordinated manner in order to achieve a particular objective. For instance, material handling is a business process which consists of interrelated activities such as scheduling production, storing materials, and processing purchase orders Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) refers to ‘a radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical areas of performance, such as cost, quality, delivery and flexibility’ (Schniederjans and Kim, 2003: 419). BPR aims to improve the main business processes in an organization by focusing on simplification, cost reduction, improved quality and enhanced customer satisfaction. It involves making radical changes to how the work is currently done. The adoption of a Just-in-Time (JIT) philosophy is an illustration of business process re-engineering as it involves moving from a functional plant layout to a cellular product layout (Drury, 2000).
The advancement in information technology and the capabilities provided by new information systems are one of the primary enablers of BPR, that is, IT-driven BPR (Satzinger et al., 2002). Seeking to radically alter existing business practices, BPR is a key concept in the ERP implementation. It can be described as a pre-planning phase of the ERP and can be done by
ERP software vendors, consultants or an organization’s own in-house team (Keller and Teufel, 1998). These analysts carefully examine existing business procedures and practices in order to propose information systems solutions that can have a radical impact. As such, BPR supports the implementation of
ERP, that is, companies use BPR for change preparation of an ERP system. However, there are many barriers to the success of BPR such as resistance to change, lack of top management support and lack of cross-functional project teams (Ahmed O. Kholeif, et al., 2008).
Studies on the key success and failure factors of BPR implementation attempted to identify different sets of factors (Grover et al., 1995; Attaran and Wood, 1999; Allen and Fifield, 1999; Al-Mashari and Zairi, 1999; Ahmad et al., 2007). These factors include change management, management competency and support, organizational culture, project planning and management, information technology (IT) infrastructure and financial resources. Besides, Attaran (2000) attempted to identify barriers to successful implementation of BPR; however, the author claimed that the difference between success and failure did not depend on company size or resources, but on appropriate planning and avoidance of pitfalls.

Paper Keywords/Search Tags:
BPR, Education, implementation

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Submission Details: Paper Abstract submitted by Gudata Abara from Ethiopia on 31-Dec-2013 19:38.
Abstract has been viewed 2975 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Gudata Abara Contact Details: Email: gudataa@gmail.com Phone: +251922216236

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