
Determinants Of Leadership Effectiveness Of Higher Secondary School Principals In Punjab  

Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: PhD
Institution / University: Gomal University, D.I.Khan, Pakistan
Published in: 2013

Report Abstract / Summary:

The purpose of this study was to establish whether some selected factors are determinants of principals; leadership effectiveness in Punjab. The study examined the influence of school climate, principals’ job satisfaction, position powers, leadership style, management skills and personality traits (taken as determinants) on their effectiveness. The objectives of the study were to find out the extent of perceived principal effectiveness in Punjab and how the selected factors separately and jointly influence the leadership effectiveness of higher secondary school principals in Punjab. A sample of 592 senior most teachers of 99 higher secondary schools participated in the study. Two quantitative survey instruments measuring the determinants and principal’s leadership effectiveness were used to collect data in this regard. The data was analyzed with descriptive statistics, bivariate correlations, simple linear regression, stepwise regression and multiple regressions for statistical answers of the research questions.

The findings revealed that the principal effectiveness is of moderate level in Punjab. All of the selected factors are positively correlated with principal effectiveness. Personality traits is the strongest predictor (37% of the variance) of the leadership effectiveness followed by leadership style, job satisfaction, position powers, conflict management skills and school climate with significant predictive powers. The combined influence of all the six factors taken together accounted for 66 % of the total variance in principals’ leadership effectiveness. It implies that a school principal working in supportive climate, enjoying job satisfaction & position powers, showing an acceptable leadership style and enriched with management skills & personal traits is more effective.

Report Keywords/Search Tags:
Leadership Effectiveness, Principal, Punjab

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Submission Details: Report Abstract submitted by Dr.Khuda Bakhsh Malik from Pakistan on 05-Jan-2014 19:46.
Abstract has been viewed 3982 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Dr.Khuda Bakhsh Malik Contact Details: Email: gallantup@yahoo.com

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