
Analysis And Design High Efficiency Zcs Buck ( Pwm) Converter In Battery Charger  

Abstract Category: Engineering
Course / Degree: Master degree
Institution / University: Hohai University, China
Published in: 2014

Book Abstract / Summary:

This study employs a buck ZCS (PWM) converter and develops a novel soft-switching approach for charger batteries. This thesis presents technique for battery charger to achieve efficient performance in charging shaping, minimum low switching losses and reduction in circuit volume. The operation of circuit charger is switched with the operation of zero-current-switching, resonant components and appends the topology of dc-dc buck. The proposed novel dc-dc battery charger has advantages with the simplicity, low cost, high efficiency and the behaviour of easy control under the ZCS condition accordingly reducing the switching losses. The detailed study of operating principle and circuit design consideration is performed. A short survey of battery charging system, capacity demand & its topologies is also presented. In order to compute LC resonant pair values in conventional converter, the method of characteristic curve is used and electric function equations are derived from the prototype configuration. The efficient performance of charging shaping is confirmed through the practical examines and verification of the results is revealed by the MATLAB simulation. The efficiency is ensured about 89% which is substantially considered being satisfactory performance as achieved in this paper. The proposed novel ZCS buck topology thus provides a reliabale solution for future battery charger applications.

Book Keywords/Search Tags:
ZCS, PWM,dc-dc Buck, Converter, Battery, Charger

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Book Images:
Engineering - Analysis And Design High Efficiency Zcs Buck ( Pwm) Converter In Battery Charger Analysis and Design of High Effeiceny ZCS Buck (PWM) Converter in battery charger
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Submission Details: Book Abstract submitted by irfan jamil from Pakistan on 04-Feb-2014 11:48.
Abstract has been viewed 2423 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

irfan jamil Contact Details: Email: irfan.edu.cn@gmail.com

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