
Status Of Secondary Schools In Abra  

Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: Doctor of Education
Institution / University: University of Northern Philippines, Philippines
Published in: 2011

Dissertation Abstract / Summary:

This study aimed to assess the status of public secondary schools in Abra during the school year 2009-2010. The assessment was focused on the relationship between administrators’ and teachers’- related variable, school-related variables and school performances.

The administrators’ performance was evaluated through the Performance Appraisal System for School Administrators (PASSA) where the performance indicators rated were occupational competence, professional and personal characteristics, and attendance and punctuality was evaluated. The results of this were gathered from the document submitted to the Division Office.

The teachers’ performance was evaluated through the Performance Appraisal System for Teachers (PAST). This instrument evaluates three indicators namely; instructional competence, professional and personal characteristics, punctuality and attendance. This was likewise culled out from the documents filed in the Division Office.

The school performance (completion rate, drop-out rate, graduation rate, participation rate, repetition rate,survival rate) were assessed. Furthermore, students’ performance ( Filipino, English, Mathematics, Sci & Tech, Aral Pan) were assessed through the results of the National Achievement Test submitted to the Division Office.

The administrator-related factors considered in this study included age, gender, civil status, educational attainment, position, length of administrative experience, number of management trainings attended, number of awards/recognitions received and membership in organizations.Likewise, teacher-related factors are age, gender, civil status. Educational attainment, position, area of specialization, length of teaching experience, trainings and seminars attended, teaching hours per week, teaching preparations and teaching methods and approaches used.

Moreover, the study looked into the relationship between the performances of administrators and teachers, teacher and administrator-related factors, and school-related variables.. Likewise, it looked into the relationship between school performance and students’ performance, and administrators’ and teachers’ performance.

The study made use of 54 administrators, 387 teachers, 167 School Governing Council Officers and 354 Supreme Student Government schools Officers of the 33 public secondary schools in Abra as respondents. The descriptive and correlational methods of research were employed in the study. Questionnaires were used to gather data. These were supplemented by documentary analysis and ocular inspection of school facilities and equipment. The statistical tools used in the study were frequencies and percentages, weighted mean and Bivariate Correlation Analysis.

Findings show that majority of the administrators- respondents were bachelor’s degree holders, belonged to the age bracket from 41-50 years old, female dominated schools, and were young in administrative position (5 years and below) but has a “Very Satisfactory” performance.. and had a significant relationship with their overall performance as well as school performance.

Likewise, majority of the teacher-respondents were holders of bachelor’s degree, had been teaching for more than 20 years, had specialized in Mathematics; had attended school, division, regional and national and seminars; have 21-25 hours teaching load per week; with 1-2 teaching preparations and were 41-50 years old.211.teacher-student ratio is 1:21 with an enrolment of 101-200 students.

Majority of the public schools in Abra had a land area of .5 hectares; student-ratio of 1:21 with an enrolment ranging from 101-200. There wer 4 schools that had more than 500 enrolment. Moreover, most of the instructional materials were rated “inadequate” based on the actual instructional materials used by teachers. Textbook-student ratio was 1:2.

Physical facilities, the school buildings, classrooms, offices and staff rooms were “moderately adequate” while sanitary facilities and library were “inadequate”. Likewise medical and dental services were found to be “very inadequate while guidance and counseling services and food services were “moderately adequate.”

In addition, the administrators in the public secondary schools in abra had a “very satisfactory” performance. They were “competent” in their supervisory work, development and implementation of educational programs, curriculum and staff development. They were “very good” in administrative management, had “good” leadership in research and in evaluating the performance of the school as well as its staff. Likewise, the teachers were doing their part in the transfer of learning. They were “highly competent” in lesson planning and delivery, managing time and learning environment, assessing learning outcomes and improving students’ achievement level.

The performance of students were assessed to be “very high” in terms of graduation rate, survival rate, completion rate, and participation rate while drop-out rate and repetition rate got the lowest percentage.

On the other hand, students in the public secondary schools were average achievers in Filipino, English, Science & Technology and Araling Panlipunan. They were low achievers in Mathematics.

Moreover, the administrators’ present position and administrative experience had a significant relationship with their overall performance. Furthermore, the adequacy of physical plant and facilities, instructional materials, and support services were associated with the performance of the administrators. Teachers’ position , number of trainings attended and number of preparations, on the other hand, as well as the land area of the school, adequacy of instructional materials and physical plant and facilities were significantly related with overall performance. The administrators’ performance also had a significant relationship with the performance of the school particularly repetition rate. Likewise, the teachers’ performance was found out to have a significant relationship with the completion rate, repetition rate, and survival rate of the school. Similarly, administrators’ and teachers’ performance had a bearing on students’ academic performance.

It was recommended in the study that the administrators and teachers should attend trainings/seminars and enroll in graduate studies to upgrade themselves to teaching innovations.

In addition, the administrators and teachers should look for benefactors for the provisions of instructional materials and laboratory facilities. Problems on guidance and counseling services and very inadequate sanitary facilities as well as the medical and dental services should be addressed since these were found to be significantly related with teachers’ performance and students’ performance.

To improve the level of students’ performance, schools should review their present assessment practices. The teacher appraisal system and the kind of tests used in the classroom as well as national examinations should be evaluated against the targets of the Basic Education Reform Agenda (BESRA) among which is continuously improving student learning outcomes, critical thinkers and problem solvers.

Meanwhile, the schools should also consider the use of alternative assessment tools and techniques that would provide opportunities for students to experience learning as an enjoyable, delighting process of inquiry, discovery, construction and creation of new knowledge rather than as a tedious process of examining to pass examinations. This is to increase students’ mastery of the basic competencies in the learning areas.

The researchers further recommends for a continuing reassessment of public secondary school in terms of performance to come up with higher standards in Secondary Education.

Dissertation Keywords/Search Tags:
secondary schools, abra

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Submission Details: Dissertation Abstract submitted by Mae Amalia Pilarta from Philippines on 15-Mar-2014 16:12.
Abstract has been viewed 5629 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Mae Amalia Pilarta Contact Details: Email: maeamaliab.pilarta@yahoo.com

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