
A Study On The Number Of Drop-outs And The Reasons Why They Drop Out From The University Of Santo Tomas Faculty Of Pharmacy In The Academic Years 2008-2013  

Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy
Institution / University: University of Santo Tomas, Philippines
Published in: 2014

Thesis Abstract / Summary:


The study was an attempt to determine and analyze the number of drop-outs and the reasons why they dropped from the University of Santo Tomas Faculty of Pharmacy from Academic Years 2008 to 2013. A total of four hundred twenty-eight drop-out students was recorded from 2008 to 2013, and one hundred twenty-five respondents were selected through stratified random sampling. The number of drop-outs was analyzed finding out which Academic Year, program, and year level had the most number of drop-outs, with the reasons on why they dropped out being identified. An attempt to determine what field they are in now and whether or not the respondents transferred to another school was done. Results show that majority of the respondents dropped out during their first year level. B.S. Pharmacy and Academic Year 2008 to 2009 had the most number of drop-outs. The respondents’ most common reason for dropping out was academic problems, and most of the drop-outs had chosen business-related programs after dropping out. The constant decrease in the number of drop-outs since 2008 may be due to interventions given by the Faculty such as remedial classes, Faculty organizations and programs offering tutorials, summer classes, support from the guidance office, and the like.



In the last two years, there had been 7 sections in the Medical Technology and Pharmacy programs and only 1 section for Biochemistry. Though the Faculty would want to accept more students, it can only accommodate this much as it maintains its standards and quality of education (Gamboa & Ladisla, 2011). Despite the goals and efforts of the Faculty, the growing population, and improving performances and achievements of its students, a certain number of students do not complete the programs they are enrolled in. For some reasons, a proportion of these students drop out and transfer to other college programs and schools. Many students go to the courses they don’t want when they enter college because of different pressures they experience from their family and environment. Due to this, dropping out from school becomes rampant (Lozada, 2011).

A majority or fifty six percent of the responding drop-outs transferred to other schools when they dropped out, while the remaining stayed in the University of Santo Tomas. There was a continuous decline in the number of drop-outs since the Academic Year 2008 to 2009, from 31.07 percent to 14.49 percent in the Academic Year 2012 to 2013. This decrease may have been due to interventions provided by the Faculty, and improvements in its standards, practices, and services. The drop-outs stayed in the Faculty at an average of 1.83 years, before having dropped out. Business is the most prominent field where the respondents transferred to after their choice of dropping. Agriculture, Law and Music-related courses were chosen least. The study was able to discover that most of the drop-outs came from the Department of Pharmacy, followed by Medical Technology and Biochemistry, with percentages of 47, 36, and 17, respectively. The research found out that a majority of the drop-outs belonged to the first year level when they dropped, consisting 45 percent of the respondents. An inverse relationship was constructed between the year level and number of drop-outs, as the percentage went down to 7 percent in the fourth year level. Difficulties in the areas of academic, family, finance, personal, social, and other factors are encountered by college students (Padtoc, 2003). The importance of choosing the “right” course has always been a big issue for college students. The most common reason for dropping out, based on the survey, was Academic problem having 39 percent closely followed by Personal choice with 35 percent. In accordance to this, Guidance counseling was found to give the most support to the students who dropped out.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
drop-outs, course, college, program, UST, Philippines, Pharmacy, shifting, academic, university

This Thesis Abstract may be cited as follows:
Abraham, M., Aguilera, E., et. al (2013). "A Study On The Number Of Drop-outs And The Reasons Why They Drop Out From The University Of Santo Tomas Faculty Of Pharmacy In The Academic Years 2008-2013". Manila, Philippines: University of Santo Tomas.

Thesis Images:
Education - A Study On The Number Of Drop-outs And The Reasons Why They Drop Out From The University Of Santo Tomas Faculty Of Pharmacy In The Academic Years 2008-2013 Framework
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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Madelaine Abraham from Philippines on 17-Mar-2014 14:47.
Abstract has been viewed 6486 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Madelaine Abraham Contact Details: Email: madzabraham@yahoo.com

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