
The Effect Of Collaborative Writing Using Scrambled Pictures To Improve Narrative Writing Ability Of The Eighth Graders Of Smpn 4 Balikpapan  

Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: THESIS REPORT
Institution / University: MULAWARMAN UNIVERSITY, Indonesia
Published in: 2014

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

Nurbayah,Syarifah. 2013. The Effect Of Collaborative Writing Using Scrambled-Pictures On Narrative Writing Ability Of The Eighth Graders Of SMPN 4 Balikpapan (Under Supervisor Of Dr. Bibit Suhatmady,M.Pd And Sunardi, Ss.,M.Hum). Samarinda: Unpublished Thesis. Mulawarman University.


This study was conducted to investigate the effect of the strategy of collaborative writing using scrambled-pictures on narrative writing ability of the Eighth graders of SMPN 4 Balikpapan in the academic year of  2012/2013. Besides, this study also explored the perceptions of the eighth graders  of SMPN 4 Balikpapan toward the strategy of collaborative writing and the using of scrambled-pictures as aids in their narrative writing.


The study involved two intake classes which consisted of 37 students each. One class was considered as experimental group and the second one was as control group. In the control group, the students did the writing activity using scrambled-pictures as aid but without collaborative writing. In the experimental group, the students were supported by the strategy of collaborative writing using scrambled pictures. The study was conducted for 5 meetings and involved a pre test and a post test. The students’ narrative writing compositions then were assessed using The Narrative Writing Scoring Guide by Sopris West Educational Services. After having the writing activity, the study explored the perceptions of 37 students of experimental group by delivering the questionnaire and inteview.


Results of the study showed that the strategy of collaborative writing by using scrambled-pictures increased the narrative writing ability of the eighth graders of SMPN 4 Balikpapan. This could be seen from the result of Paired-Sampled T-test which showed that tvalue < - ttable = -5.673 < - 1.655  This result also showed that there was significant difference between the students’ narrative writing ability before and after having the strategy of collaborative writing by using scrambled-pictures. The students also gave positive perceptions toward the strategy of collaborative writing and the using of scrambled-pictures as writing aid. They felt fun and exciting did the narrative writing by employing the collaborative writing strategy. They even felt that their writing ability was increased by doing this strategy.


The result of the study suggested that English teachers need to vary the ways and support the students with the appropriate strategies in teaching and learning writing to support the students’ ability in producing their good and original writing compositions.


Keywords: The Effect, Collaborative Writing, Scrambled-Pictures, Perceptions, Increase, Narrative writing.

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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by syarifah nurbayah from Indonesia on 20-Mar-2014 05:28.
Abstract has been viewed 2658 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

syarifah nurbayah Contact Details: Email: acilna@yahoo.com Phone: 6285246831121

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