
Latent Desertification And The Sea Level Rise  

Abstract Category: Engineering
Course / Degree: Master of Science
Institution / University: Private, Germany
Published in: 2014

Paper Abstract / Summary:

Latent desertification is the main cause to the sea level rise. It is also the main cause for the melting of the glaciers and withdrawal of the Ice-age, which in its turn adds to the sea level. The present latent desertification began about one hundred and fifty millenniums ago. It had been very gradual at the beginning and with time had increased the rate.

Latent desertification is different from desertification though they have one of the main factor, floral depletion, common, the second factor, precipitation of moisture from the atmosphere, varies. In latent desertification the moisture precipitation from the atmosphere remains usual (more than 25 cms annually) while in desertification the precipitation decreases year to year to become less than 25cms per annum.
The forces or vectors that bring about latent desertification as well as desertification can be natural, human impulsed as well as combination of the two. Under natural conditions it comes to effect where herbivores breed rapidly. The herbivores can be large elephants, rhinos, camels, cattle as well as be small goats rabbits, and even smaller creatures. Human impulsed latent desertification is found all over where people live. In such areas trees are sacrificed to fulfil the needs of people. They are urban expansions, agricultural fields, cattle breeding pastures etcetera. It is found in all the climatic zones from polar region in the north to polar region in the south. The processes are very intricate but, if one observes, it could be seen with the naked eye. And also it could be easily seen that latent desertification is always the precursor of desertification.


In latent desertification like in desertification flora is depleted. Flora consist of water, juices and hydro-carbons in chemical combinations. It can be many litres, when not cubic metres per square meter of the ground vertically up and down. When the flora is removed, the water as well as hydrogen and oxygen contained in it take different paths and finally reach the oceans and settle there. Secondly, when flora exists, much water is held on the surface of the plants without coming down as moisture precipitates. Only after the surface of the plants are fully wet the water begins to trickle down to the ground. Thirdly, exposure of the ground caused by floral depletion makes much rain water which would have been held on the ground to flow away. The amount that flow away is much. Because, floral drops make pads many centimetres thick that the capillary force holds much water from trickling away. And the fourth is that the rain water has much time to enter the ground. It will saturate the soil in to its maximum before it begins to flow away. And there are many more minor factors which add to it that much of the rain never reach the rivers to enter the seas.
Besides, the exposure of ground facilitates soil erosion. The top soil is easily eroded away without plants and their protective drops. In decades it comes to many centimetres of lost top-soil. Mighty rivers transport millions of tons of soil per year into the oceans. The erosions are not only by water from grounds devoid of flora, wind too has free passage and is relentlessly at work in transporting materials and settling them in the oceans. Which shows that the sea level rise is due to addition of water plus solid materials washed and blown into from grounds without protective vegetation.

In addition when ground is exposed the soil gets heated. In a floral canopy the rise in temperature when the sun shines is by tens lower than when the soil is exposed to sun shine. In a canopy the solar energy spreads in volume and enters into vegetations which have much higher specific heat than soil. Thus the resulting temperature remains low. The unprotected soil besides having lower specific heat has very bad conduction. Which makes the surface very hot. The air just on it reach temperature much higher and convect upwards. The rising hot air is blown by land-wind towards mountains and make glaciers to melt and flow down drop by drop. If it doesn´t melt then the ice surface sublimates or continues to dry.
All the above mentioned factors and many more caused by latent desertification raises the sea level. In 20th century alone it came to about twenty centimetres. Land-surface to water-surface relationship is roughly 1:2. If the oceans have risen by about 20 centimetres then land-surface has lost in average about 40 centimetres in height. Most of the 40 centimetres, water and solid materials together, come from of latent desertification.
Therefore coping with latent desertification means reducing sea level. And the attempt to cope with latent desertification is not so difficult though it appears to be so. It can be manoeuvred many ways. Beginning at home with canopies, introducing voluminous Agra-technology, and besides many others fresh-water aqua-culture.

Paper Keywords/Search Tags:
sea level

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Submission Details: Paper Abstract submitted by Balasupramaniam Paramahamsa from Germany on 23-Mar-2014 16:10.
Abstract has been viewed 2831 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Balasupramaniam Paramahamsa Contact Details: Email: eecoltd2@gmail.com

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