
The Stress Level And Its Affecting Factors In Relation To Performace Of Teachers In Basud National High School  

Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: Master in Management
Institution / University: Camarines Norte State College, Philippines
Published in: 2014

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

This study was undertaken to determine the stress level and it’s affecting factors in relation to performance of teachers in Basud National High School. It utilizes a descriptive survey - correlation method of research. Its respondents were the sixty six faculty members of Basud National High School. The research arrived at the following findings: (1) Majority of Basud National High School teachers belong to age bracket of 36 – 40. With teaching experience of 1 -10 years, while 38 or 57.58% of respondents have Master’s Degree units. In terms of living condition, 52 or 78.79% of the teachers owned their house. Mostly are receiving a monthly net pay of P11, 000 – P12, 999. 45 or 68.18% has no other source of income. Most of them have 2 children.(2) Based on the average rating, the stress level of the respondents are the following: workload and assignment (Moderate Stress), school environment. (High Stress), interpersonal relationships (Moderate Stress), students’ behavior and discipline (High Stress) and school management (High Stress). (3) There is no significant relationship between the level of stress on stressors and the demographic variables namely: teaching experience, educational qualification, living condition as to housing type and monthly net pay and number of children of Basud National High School Teachers. The demographic variables which indicate significant relationships are age (1.99) and school environment, family living condition as to other source of income and workload and assignment (2.23) and students’ behavior and discipline (3.30). They showed a significant relationship with a computed value greater than the critical value of 1.980. Thus, the null hypothesis was rejected. (4) The performance level of Basud National High School Teachers for S/Y 2010 – 2011 is based on the average of 3.89 which is interpreted as very satisfactory (VS). (5) There is no significant relationship between the stress level on stressors and teaching performance of the respondents. (6) The most common stress-coping-activity of Basud National High School Teachers is going to church and the least is ballroom dancing. The recommendations of the study were the following: (1) Teachers’ candidate should be evaluated in terms of personal background, educational qualifications and teaching competence in order to evaluate and reassess their skills, talents and personality. (2) Considering the high stress level on the profile of the respondents, an appropriate support to teachers should be given by the school principal to help them enrich their sense of motivation and enthusiasm on their job. (3) Principals and school heads should be sensitive enough concerning their management and leadership style in order to attain the vision, mission, goals and objectives of the school. (4) The Department of Education should entail and apply continuous programs on teachers’ development by conducting in-service trainings and seminars related to their field of interest to become updated with the latest trends in education (5) A stress-coping program should be implemented in schools to divert teachers’ attention to enhance productivity, and consider religious activities in relieving stress and tension in the workplace.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Stress, School Performance, Stress Coping mechanism

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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Wenefredo Rubio from Philippines on 26-Apr-2014 07:45.
Abstract has been viewed 5194 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Wenefredo Rubio Contact Details: Email: wenefredorubio@yahoo.com

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