
Floating Floral Groyne  

Abstract Category: Engineering
Course / Degree: Master of Science
Institution / University: Private, Sri Lanka
Published in: 2014

Paper Abstract / Summary:

Floral groyne, also called as Botanical Groyne, is used, beside others, to make coasts grow. The groyne is of two types. One, made on a frame out of wood, plastic, steel or aluminium. The second, is Rope and Net Groyne. And like in other fields the two groups have many sub divisions.

The groyne floats with marine plants, creepers and weeds growing on it. As the floral groyne floats it rakes and combs the surface of the rapidly flowing water which comes after the marine waves leap. Thus it reduces the force of the waves eroding the Coast. And with the same hand helps to heap the materials brought by the water flowing towards the Coast. This results in reversing the coastal erosion to coastal growth.

What is floating-floral-Groyne?
A Groyne in traditional sense is a construction made of wood, concrete or any material which goes into waters from the shore. Its main purpose is to check erosion and avert troublesome and disturbing water flows and currents. The floating-floral-groyne is also for the same purpose. Yet it has many other advantages and usage in contrast to normal groyne.
The advantages are:
1. It is costs very little and has a direct pay back
2. It is easily fitted and when the purpose is fulfilled easily removed too.
3. Adaptable to any technological standards
4. Reduces Tsunami force
5. In addition to stopping erosion it helps the Coast to grow by accumulating sediments brought by the waves.
6. It increases the biology of the Coast.
7. It cleans air and water of impurities.
8. It can be used as dock for boats independent of the height of the tides.
9. It can be expanded along the Coast as well as built head long into the water.
10. It has use as stepping frame for aqua-culture as well as marine-agriculture.
11. Especially good for “Trap and Breed” fish farms.
12. Living and docking islands can be made in off-shores.
13. And many more

How is it fitted?
It is flexibly anchored at many points with ropes. At the bottom sand bags are tied to the anchoring ropes. Anchoring is compulsory at the Sea side and Coast side. In between is optional. At all points the anchoring is with ropes and sand bags. The ropes are sufficiently long to keep the floating-frame above water at all tides. Dangling hither and thither and to and fro is unavoidable. But the dangling has its positive sides too. It helps to trap soil and reduce the water force going towards the Coast without jerking.
How does it work?
As the groyne floats there is a certain weight on it. And the surface underneath is not flat but with flow disturbing hindrances. When the water flows the flow get combed as well as raked. The force towards the Coast is not frontally combated but progressively reduced. Which makes a force reduction more than 50%. If one wished it can be built deep into the sea to reduce the force completely.
As the flow gets reduced, some of the sediments brought by the current looses momentum and settles under the groyne. Thus tending to make a bar. It further reduces the flow and the current recedes from reaching far out into the Coast.
Thirdly, waves are managed and not combated. Waves are important ingredient of the Coast. Waves bring materials towards the coast. Therefore it is better not to combat fully. Old sayings: “The wrecked ship was washed a shore”, so are the remains of huge marine predators, calcareous shells and corals and botanical marine biology are washed a shore. Many Atoll islands and Coral-reefs came above surface due to waves. The atolls and reefs grew under water and then waves heaped them to come above water. The trick is to use and manage the wave force.
Where to use?
Floating-Floral-Groynes are usable in any waters. Hard and soft, turbulent and tranquil, deep and shallow. It is adaptable and has many variations to fit the respective need. The main advantage is that it works well in near off-shore. Its effects are high in depths exceeding two meters. “Hamsen´s anchoring” could be used to cope with different tides including Tsunami.
Direct at the Coasts, reasonably, its usage should be avoided. Children play about. It can turn deadly with innocent children and mischievous boys. They may jump on it not knowing that it is just a floating frame. The frame will sink and the boys may not have an escape from drowning. However, if need has no options one must fence out the place and float towards the sea.

Warning signs:
Always sufficient warning signs and red flags must be tied to the frames. Also when it is used in near off-shores. The danger of drowning must be explicitly mentioned.

Paper Keywords/Search Tags:
Coastal erosion

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Submission Details: Paper Abstract submitted by Balasupramaniam Paramahamsa from Sri Lanka on 27-Jul-2014 11:39.
Abstract has been viewed 2156 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Balasupramaniam Paramahamsa Contact Details: Email: eecoltd2@gmail.com

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