
Ssd -secure Steganography For Digital Images  

Abstract Category: I.T.
Course / Degree: Information Security
Institution / University: NUST, Pakistan
Published in: 2014

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

Innovation in information and communication technology field has necessitated, more than ever before, the need to confine significant information within trusted parties as failure to this creates mayhem thereby inflicting irreparable damages that may impede the privacy of an individual (at personal level) as well as that of a Nation at socio-economic front. Suicidal acts due to breach of personal information on social networking sites, massive traffic jams and interruption of power supply due to Blaster virus and more recent incident of disruption of Iran’s nuclear installation via StuXnet virus etc. are all ascribed to some sort of leakage or compromise of trivial information. This research is an exertion to analyze and secure some existing Image-based steganographic schemes to augment resilience against steganalysis launched by passive warden.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Image Steganography

This Thesis Abstract may be cited as follows:
Rafat, K., F., SSD -Secure Steganography For Digital Images, Ph.D. Thesis Proposal

Thesis Images:
I.T. - Ssd -secure Steganography For Digital Images Flyer
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I.T. - Ssd -secure Steganography For Digital Images Page 1
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I.T. - Ssd -secure Steganography For Digital Images Page 2
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I.T. - Ssd -secure Steganography For Digital Images Page 3
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I.T. - Ssd -secure Steganography For Digital Images Page 4
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I.T. - Ssd -secure Steganography For Digital Images Page 5
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I.T. - Ssd -secure Steganography For Digital Images One Pager
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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Khan Farhan Rafat from Pakistan on 14-Aug-2014 13:12.
Abstract has been viewed 3271 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Khan Farhan Rafat Contact Details: Email: khanfarhanrafat@yahoo.com

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