Glacier Recovery
Abstract Category: Engineering
Course / Degree: Master of Science
Institution / University: Paramahamsa, United Kingdom
Published in: 2014
Glaciers are an integral part of the Earth. There are periods of withdrawal like what is happening now. But absolute disappearance of glaciers is only theoretically possible. Practically, always some factor will interfere to make them grow again. Although there are many localities where it can appear to have almost disappeared like in Atlas mountains, horn of Africa, Kilimanjaro many parts in Central Asia and many more.
Withdrawal of glaciers have much harm hidden in them for the wild life, terrestrial botany, and to the land locked aquatic biological triad: saline, brack and fresh. It has already brought countless amount of beautiful, charming and horror evoking species big and small, aquatic and terrestrial not only in the plains and wilderness and also at the glacier´s edge and bit higher to extinction. Two recordable losses, besides many hundreds from the mightiest animals in recent centuries are the short Hannibal´s elephants and Barbary lions of Atlas. As the rivers went dry as the feeding glaciers withdrew, regions went through Latent-desertification to total desertification. The animals, nomads and settlers fought one another to have what could be had from the their decreasing reviers. Human beings won only to migrate away from the very regions they won.
Furthermore, the way Eskimos live at pole´s edge, so must had been people living at the glacier´s edge. Had they? A special species of homo-sapiens. Then they are gone with the withdrawal of the glaciers. Because with rise of height of the remaining glaciers the prey from which the snowman lived must had had disappeared. They dwindled and then unable to survive at snow-less lower regions, due to lack of immunities needed, they went extinct. May be !!
As for general human survival, re-glaciating the mountains is not a must but an extra luxury. Or has a secondary value. Because oceans are there to spread and settle and cultivate. In addition, all the people, whatever the predominating gene they are with, are now adapted to present climates. If not the health systems are in a position to inject means to have the immunity needed, at least against the known infections. Therefore, the question of re-glaciation is an option. Should the dice fall in favour of re-glaciation then there are many bonuses lingering behind. For that few turns has to be taken. The leading highway towards the turn is the highway away from latent-desertification.
The main cause of glacial withdrawal, during last 100 millenniums, is the Latent-desertification caused by human expansion and advancement. It is continuing at present with a higher speed, shifting many regions into full scale desertification. Sending the not stored solar energy up into the sky to reach mountaintops only to melt and sublimate glaciers. The melts trickle down, reach rivulets, then rivers and end at oceans. Desertification catalyses glacial withdrawal, and glacial withdrawal helps desertification to spread and at ends, far away, Sea-level rises. A huge Triad in full swing with many negatives elsewhere like species depletions.
If the wish prevailed it could be reverted fairly easily. Who decides?
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Submission Details: Paper Abstract submitted by Balasupramaniam Paramahamsa from United Kingdom on 14-Sep-2014 14:12.
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