
Computer Assisted Language Teaching: Learning Without Dust  

Abstract Category: I.T.
Course / Degree: MA
Institution / University: SMC, Philippines
Published in: 2013

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) is one of the many tools and techniques that can help improve the students’ language competencies. This new technology in language education has increased learner autonomy, creativity, productivity and team work. This has been used to tutor language learners through language drills or skills practice; as stimulus for discussion and interaction; or as a tool for writing and research. The current study aims to improve an existing Comarts Syllabus using CALL materials imparted through the use of a Personal Website. It is limited among the purposive samples of thirty five (35) Comarts students of STI-Iligan. Further, the study seeks to answer the following questions: (1) How will the CALL materials provide interactive English grammar and writing exercises? (2) Will the CALL create interaction among the students and teacher? (3) How will the needs analysis justify the modification of the old Comarts syllabus? (4) What areas in the old Comarts syllabus should be modified? (5) How will the lessons be made interactive and communicative? And (6) Will the modified Comarts syllabus be found satisfactory by its users? Combinations of quantitative and qualitative methods were employed in the data gathering procedure. Findings showed that there is a need to modify the existing Comarts syllabus of STI-Iligan. Students found the CALL lessons more interactive and communicative. The areas modified include the language structure (grammar lessons/drills) reading, writing, speaking, comprehension and the communicative use of language. Overall findings reflect general satisfaction of the users of the modified syllabus.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
CALL, Comarts, Syllabus, language, Interactive

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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Edgar R. Eslit from Philippines on 17-Apr-2015 06:02.
Abstract has been viewed 3400 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Edgar R. Eslit Contact Details: Email: edgareslit@yahoo.com

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