
Program Watch: A Deped Thrust To Ensure Quality Education  

Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership
Institution / University: DEBESMSCAT, Philippines
Published in: 2012

Magazine/Journal Abstract / Summary:

To insure quality education the Department of Education has implemented the program WATCH an acronym that stands for “We Advocate Time Consciousness and Honesty” an advocacy of the former Secretary of Education Jesli A. Lapus. This program aims to minimize the corruption of time by some of the Department of Education employees.

In view with this program, this paper will discuss and evaluate the level of implementation of Pedro C. Sese Sr., Memorial High School in the said program. This high school is situated almost 70 kilometers from the Division Office of the Department of Education near the seashore of Pajo, Balud, Masbate. The school was chosen because it is rarely monitored by the Department of Education and is situated in a remote area.

Based on the first hand gathered data through in depth interview and observation, most of the teachers there have a low level of observation in the said program. It was discovered that one of the reasons why some of the teachers are coming late because their boarding house is situated away from the school site. Another reason is the non-strict observation of the said program. One of the teachers said that they were discouraged because their school head does not show enthusiasm in the observance of this program. Such they have made it a reason of why should they come to school early where in fact the school head itself doest not do it.

According to the one of the teachers who were interviewed “We will follow if there is a strict implementation of the said program and everybody should follow.”

It was also found out that most of the teachers deployed in the said school came from different places and are not native of the community. Such, they just let go the program and do not care in its existence and implementation.


Honesty in the use of time particularly handling classes with exact appropriation of it and using it fruitfully in the learning process has a great effect in the learning of the students. Appropriate time is needed for learning to take place. If most of the schools would not observe the said program, the educational state of the country will radically lessen.
This research on the level of implementation of the program WATCH was conducted at Pedro C. Sese Sr., Memorial High School, Pajo, Balud, Masbate, one of the schools situated in a remote area that rarely observes the implementation of the program WATCH. Corruption of the time is a normal thing that happens in the said school done by most of its staffs. One factor that hinders in the observation of this program is the distance of some of the teachers’ boarding house from the school because most of the employees are not native of the barangay. Another factor is the level of motivation by the school head. Most of the staff perceived that being late is just a normal thing because their school head is also always out of the school and doing the same.

“The School Head herself could not put a strict implementation of the said program because she herself is doing the same thing that we do.” according to one of the interviewees.

To solve this problem, the changes must start first from the school heads who must strictly observe the implementation of this program. Certainly, if the teachers saw that their school heads do what they preached, they will be obligating their selves to come early to school.

One of the criteria that lessen the corruptions of time by some of the employees is the PAST, which is yearly implemented by the department. Performance Appraisal for Teachers is yearly conducted but still many are faking the result.

Research questions of the study

1. Based on your observation, does the school strictly implements the program WATCH advocated by the former DepEd Secretary Jesli A. Lapus?

2. How do you classify the level of implementation of your school based on the following criteria: a. Low level of implementation, b. Average level of implementation, c. High level of implementation

3. What are the factors that affect the implementation of the Program WATCH?

4. What are the possible solutions that can be applied so that the program will be successfully implemented?

Evaluation Framework


The research is based on the primary data gathered through in depth interviews and observation. In depth interviews were carried out directly by the researcher. He interviewed four teachers in the said school. Another group of interviewees came from the community near the school site. The researcher interviewed them about their observations concerning the teachers’ attendance in the said school.
Thorough observations were done painstakingly by the researcher because he himself could tell the situations that happens in the school. He is one of the teachers working in the said school, such he could tell the directly based from his observation the things that happened within that school when it comes to time corruption and the observance of the program WATCH.

Research Result


The conduct of this research is very relevant to the present status of our educational system. Most of the employees of the Department of Education are just abandoning their duties and responsibilities as teachers by corrupting the time that must be spent with the students or with the educational related work as part of the call of duty. This incident mostly happens in the segregated schools where the Department rarely visits.

Such, the relevance of this study could not be little because it relates to us the future of our educational system if and only if situations like this would continue and even grow.

The department order issued by the Department of Education concerning Localization Act is an effective way to handle corruptions in time. If all teachers in the school are native of the community, they will be obliged to practice the program and even do better for the sake of their own barangay high school. Such, localization is a very relevant technique to minimize problem like this.


The Department of Education must sustain and re-echo the program so that it will not be forgotten. Trainings and seminars about life management and time appropriations must be held regularly such this program will be sustained and strengthened.

Conclusion and Recommendation

In general, the Department of Education strictly observes the implementation of the Program WATCH. Only in some of the schools in the remote areas like the subject of this study violates the DepEd Order regarding the strict observance and implementation of the mentioned program.
The distance of the boarding house of the interviewed teachers will not be a valid reason that they could not come to school early because if it so, then the quality of education will be affected.


Strict implementation of the program WATCH will be effective if there are few things that must be done. These include the following:

a. Use of Biometrics in the Time-in and Time-out of the faculty so that the proper and correct time will be observed

b. Establishing Peer Reviews and Evaluation so that each employee will be aware that they are doing the right things

c. Strict monitoring of the Department of Education particularly for those schools that are in the remote areas

d. Establishing an open network communication of the teachers and division offices

e. Implementing required time for the teachers and school heads to be spent in the school for the whole year


DepEd ORDER No. 22, s. 2013 “Revised Guidelines on the Transfer of teachers from one Station to Another”

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Submission Details: Magazine/Journal Abstract submitted by Samson Capinig from Philippines on 06-May-2015 02:47.
Abstract has been viewed 4291 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Samson Capinig Contact Details: Email: www.samsoncapinig041015@gmail.com

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