
A High construction as a high floor behind the seating location or arena at the auditorium for dance lovers dance with view the stage without giving nuisance to sat viewers  

Abstract Category: Engineering
Course / Degree: Master of Science
Institution / University: Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of science(SLAAS), Sri Lanka
Published in: 2016

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

1 ) the audience(viewers) who could not the dance with see the joined music videos of the projected movies at the movie theatre when project the music video on the projection screen.
2) why could not the guest dance with see the stage without giving nuisance to other guest when telecast the songs at the auditorium and function halls ?
3)why could not the viewers see the stage when the other audience of a event dance for celebrating and enjoying at the function halls.?
4)why could not the audience dance with see the stage without giving nuisance to sat audience when stage the music dramas , music events at the concert hall ?
5) the some movie theatres where project the music video before project the movies. The music videos . which why could not the audience see with dance without nuisance to the sat audience at the movie theatre ?
7) why could not the audience dance with see the music videos of the movies without giving the disturbing to sat audience when project the music videos at the movie theatres ?
8)why could not the guest of the function come to the dance when telecast the songs at the function hall?
Because nowadays could not see a high construction as a tall floor aback the audience’ s seating area’ at the movie theatre, auditoriums, and function halls.
Therefore, The research . which introduce a single location as a tall and long floor for solve above specified those problems For dancing at the movie theatre, concert hall and function hall and all kind of auditorium.
9) This type of construction . which . when build into a movie theatre. There will be some differentiating between normal movie theatre and this type of movie theater. ( I mean the brought movie theater the introduced construction.)
Therefore , from call the both different types of movie theaters by same name . there may be placed many problems.
I mean . if we use the same name to call the both different movie theaters.
There may be happen too many problems. Because of did not create different names to call the both different movie theatres.
Therefore , the thesis . which introduce the new names of the new type of movie theatre Name for kept movie theatre. by different high floor..
10) this type of high construction as stage., which when build into a auditorium. There are many differentiating between normal auditoriums and the new type of auditorium.
Therefore, we are able to see many confusion or troubles from call by the same name to the two types of auditorium.
Because of did not create different names for which.
I mean this type of high construction as stage . which if will be built into a auditorium. Or movie theatre.
What kind of auditorium or movie theatre. Is very different than normal movie theater or normal auditorium.
Therefore, , the audience and peoples are not able to find identify of both auditoriums or movie theater by call the same name.
That’s’ why the thesis introduce a new name to call the new type of auditorium and movie theatre of built new high floor as stage.
The single accommodation for dancing . which is named as the ’Agitamilnadu high dance area’ .
the ’Agitamilnadu high dance area’ which is too matched to the auditoriums . therefore ,some many auditoriums will be able to keep the ’Agitamilnadu high dance area’ for dance lovers and audience see the stage with dance .
the construction will be as suitable spot for dance to all
the introduced location is a high and level area as stage of the auditoriums .
what kind of area’ needs to be behind the ‘arena’ at the auditoriums and . needs to be opposite the stage
the auditorium. movie theatre, function hall . where the spot is too qualified.
which is graceful for dancers . which is a great super construction to all fans of songs
This type of construction. Which will be built as are able to dance well ,easily ( as dance able well and easily ) yes, which will be built to protect by the slipping of foot ( i mean it will stop the slipping the dancer’s foot. The dancer Who when dance at the floor) and will be also built as the dancers who can not fall the down and out by the high floor ( from introduced new construction )it will be built by using the required equipments and things.
The introduced new type of high and long floor. Which will be as shape of square. In which the wall will be built highly. Behind I mean. In the behind of the part because for the dancers to be as not fall able person. To Champaign by back side in the high floor.
But in which. Will not be built the wall highly in front of the side. I mean will not be covered by the wall in front of the side (in the face side of the high floor such a stage)
Because of the dancers. Need to watch and see the stage with dancing at the high floor.
But in this type of floor. The wall be covered usually like limit of peoples’ hip. In left side and in the right side. Because to stop the falling of the peoples to out when dance.
we are going to see below that why was named as ‘agitamil nadu high dance area’ to the introduced new type of high floor.
We are able to see the word and listen the sound as ‘agi’ at first in the name .
In the name of the introduced new construction. Reasons to what kind of sounds or words . the sound or word which specify the scientist agilan (author) of the research. About the high floor to dance . yes which specify his name shortly and lovely as ’agi’
Have also a reason . yes, the scientist agilan. who created a organization of ‘ religious skepticism’ with ‘theism’ policy . to publize the both policies and create the united of the society and develop the science and world . the name of the what kind of the organization. Is’ agi ‘ therefore, the sound as ‘agi’ in the name of the introduced new type of floor. By the thesis. Yes Which sound or word . also specify the ‘agi’ organization of the ‘religious skepticism’ policy with ‘theism’ policy
Next sound or word is ‘tamil nadu’ . which sound or word is joined with sound of ‘agi’ without space. What kind of word or sound specify the tamil nadu state of India.
Next sound or word is ‘high’ the reason to which word . because what kind of floor is usually high that why placed which word in the name of the new type technology.
The technology of the research which for dancers to dance . that’s why , next word placed that ‘dance’ in the name of technology.
This type of floor is as a biggest area for dancers to dance . that’s why next and the final word placed as ‘area’ in the name of the new type of floor

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
high floor, high construction as stage,high area,dance floor,

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Engineering - A High construction as a high floor behind the seating location or arena at the auditorium for dance lovers dance with view the stage without giving nuisance to sat viewers a
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Engineering - A High construction as a high floor behind the seating location or arena at the auditorium for dance lovers dance with view the stage without giving nuisance to sat viewers a
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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by CHANDRASEGAR AGILAN from Sri Lanka on 12-Sep-2016 15:03.
Abstract has been viewed 1731 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

CHANDRASEGAR AGILAN Contact Details: Email: chandrasegaragilan@yahoo.com Phone: 0756542507

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