
Mother Tongue Based Mathematics Iloko Language Competence Of Grade I Learners Bauang District, Division Of La Union  

Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: Master of Education in Educational Management
Institution / University: Saint Louis College San Fernando La Union, Philippines
Published in: 2014

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

The study aimed to determine the Mother Tongue-Based Mathematics Iloko Language Competence of Grade I pupils of Bauang District, Division of La Union, which will serve as basis in developing a Mother Tongue-Based Mathematics Skillbook for Grade I. It identified the profile of the respondents along Socio-Economic Status, Ethnic Background, and Dominant Language Used as well as the level of competence in Mother Tongue-Based Mathematics of the Grade I pupils along Conceptual Skills, Analytical Skills, Computational Skills and Problem Solving Skills. It also determined the significant relationship between the respondents’ profile variables and their Mother Tongue-Based Mathematics Competence as well as the strengths and weaknesses in Mother Tongue-Based Mathematics. The descriptive method of research was used in this study, and documentary analysis was utilized in gathering the needed data for the profile of the respondents. The study determined the level of competence of the respondents with a validated and reliable competence test which was constructed by the researcher. The results of the competence test were used as basis in the development of a Mother Tongue-Based Mathematics Skillbook.

Based on the data gathered, the following were the salient findings of the study. A great majority of the respondents were Ilokanos who are of low socio-economic status. The pupils have High Competence in Conceptual and Analytical Skills and Moderate Competence in Computational and Problem Solving Skills. There existed a significant relationship between the respondents’ ethnic background and their level of competence, as well as dominant language and their level of competence but there is no significant relationship between the respondents’ socio-economic status and their level of competence in Mother Tongue-Based Mathematics. Conceptual Skills and Analytical Skills were discovered as the respondents’ strengths while Computational skills and Problem Solving skills were discovered as their weaknesses. A validated skillbook was developed to address the identified weaknesses of the respondents.

Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were arrived at: the Grade I pupils are Ilokanos who come from below average class of families, the pupils are good in Mathematics, the pupils’ ethnic background and dominant language influence their Mathematics skills, the pupils’ skills in Computation and Problem Solving need enhancement. The validated Skillbook is an instructional material that can be used as reference of teachers, or as a workbook for the learners to improve their competence in Mother Tongue-Based Mathematics.

To address the perceived needs/ constraints, the following recommendations are forwarded. First, Teachers and Grade I pupils should adopt the Skillbook to improve the mathematical competence of the pupils and to equip them with the needed skills especially in problem solving and higher-order thinking. Second, a regular assessment of the competence level of the pupils in Mother Tongue-Based Mathematics should be conducted. Third, a parallel study should be undertaken in all the other subject areas to find out the difficulties from the implementation of the MTB-MLE program in order that these could be addressed the soonest. Fourth, parallel studies should be undertaken in order to encourage teachers to design and craft relevant and authentic instructional materials. Finally, continuous seminars, trainings and workshops in the utilization and pedagogy using the Mother Tongue should be undertaken to enhance the linguistic and pedagogical skills of Basic Education Teachers.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Mathematics Competence, Analytical skills, Computational Skills, Conceptual Skills, Problem Solving Skills, Mother Tongue, Mother Tongue-Based Mathematics

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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by ELOISA RIVERA from Philippines on 28-Jan-2017 14:45.
Abstract has been viewed 3156 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

ELOISA RIVERA Contact Details: Email: eloisa.rivera@deped.gov.ph

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