
Evaluating The Gross Motor Skill Advancement Of Nurseries In Gampaha Divisional Secretariat, Sri Lanka  

Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: sport and recreation management
Institution / University: University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
Published in: 2015

Dissertation Abstract / Summary:

This specific study titled “Evaluating the Gross motor skill advancement of kindergartens in Sri Lanka: Special Reference to Gampaha Divisional Secretariat”. This study was methodically undertaken by the researcher by focusing on the problem how physical development of children who are studying in kindergarten level is differ through gross motor skill. There were three objectives set to be achieved by this study, which include a key objective namely to determine the physical development level of children in Gampaha GN Division. Researcher carried out an extensive literature review to deliver a conceptual background of the study and to formulate hypotheses for this study. The stratified random sampling method was employed using 400 nursery children in this study. The researcher used ages and stages questionnaire (ASQ) which was recommended by the American Academy of Neurology, and the child Neurology to collect data. Data were analyzed with the association of SPSS 21.0 version and certain conclusions were made from the study after carrying out detailed scientific analysis of data using appropriate statistical tools. The result shows that there was significant percentage of nurseries’ Gross motor development level appears to be on schedule.

Dissertation Keywords/Search Tags:
physical development motor skills, Gross motor Skill

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Education - Evaluating The Gross Motor Skill Advancement Of Nurseries In Gampaha Divisional Secretariat, Sri Lanka Motor skills
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Submission Details: Dissertation Abstract submitted by Dulanja Ruwan from Sri Lanka on 31-Mar-2017 08:03.
Abstract has been viewed 2934 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Dulanja Ruwan Contact Details: Email: dulanjaru@gmail.com Phone: +94772805360

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